- 8 minutes to read

Add or manage Log View

This guide teaches how to add and manage Log Views to provide your business with a way to find business transactions using the Nodinite end-to-end Logging feature. Your business gets self-service using the Nodinite Log Views and can easily search for business transactions spanning all your systems integration solutions.

graph LR roUser(fal:fa-users-class End-user) roLV(fal:fa-hard-drive Log View) roAdmin(fal:fa-user-cog Nodinite Administrator) roNE[fal:fa-alarm-clock Non-Events Monitoring] roUser --> |Search for business transactions| roLV roAdmin --> |Manage/Edit| roLV roLV -...-> |Enables| roNE
# Topic
1. Features
2. Manage Log View
2.1 Add a new Log View
2.2 Manage existing Log View
3. General tab
4. Search setup tab
5. Data to search tab
6. Display result tab
7. Grouping tab

1. Features

The Nodinite Log View is a composite view where filters and settings regulate what options are available to end-users being part of one or more Roles.

There are many filter options to choose between, and you can create virtually any type of Log View to facilitate search operations for end-users.


Use the Log Views to enable Non-Events monitoring.

Below is the list of filter options:

2. Manage Log View

2.1 Add a new Log View

As the Nodinite Administrator, click on the Add Log View button from the Log Views Overview.

Add Log View
Click the Add Log View button to create new Log View.

2.2 Manage existing Log View

As the Nodinite Administrator, from the Log Views Overview; You can manage existing Log Views by clicking on one of the entries.

3. General tab

From the General tab, the Nodinite administrator sets essential and required information for the Log View.

  • Name - Mandatory field - A unique name is required to create a new Log View.
  • Description - Optional field - A short user-friendly description of the Log View.
  • Website - Optional field - Use the link field feature to allow the end-user to click and navigate to the specified address.
  • Roles - Required setting - Grant and access rights.

Name, Description, and Website
Here's an example of the essential and required information for a Log View.

3.1 Roles

To manage the set of Roles with access to the Log View, click on the Edit button in the Roles section.
Edit Roles
Edit the set of Roles to manage the grants set on the Nodinite Log View.

Then, grant a selection of Roles to access the Log View.

Next, click on the Selected tab and manage the permissions for the Roles.
Manage permissions
Manage the permission set for Roles.

  • Access this View - Allow or deny user access to this Log View.
  • View Context - Allow or deny user access to Context Properties.
  • View Body - Allow or deny the User the ability to view and download the payload.
  • View Transformed - Allow or deny the User the ability to view the message using a Stylesheet
  • Resend - Allow or deny the User the ability to resend messages.

    The Nodinite Log Events can include options to resend messages to a pre-defined target. Please review the Context Options user guide for details.
    The System Parameter AllowResubmit must be set to 'true' to allow the resend feature.

  • Repair - Allow or deny the User the ability to repair messages.

The System Parameter AllowResubmit must be set to 'true', to allow the repair feature. Likewise, the System Parameter AllowRepair must also be set to 'true', to allow the repair feature.

For additional details, please review the Permission Set for Log Views user guide.

4. Search setup tab

The Nodinite Administrator manages the search options based on Search Fields and other pre-defined properties of a Nodinite Log Event in the Search Setup tab.
Search setup tab
Here's an example of options in the Search Setup tab.

There are five areas of interest on this tab:

  1. Time Interval Configuration
  2. Restrictions
  3. Default search setup
  4. Optional fields
  5. Auto Start Search

4.1 Time Interval Configuration

You can assign a pre-defined Time Interval Configuration to the Log View to regulate the available time for the end-user to perform the search operations.
Time Interval Configuration
Select the Time Interval Configuration to use with the Nodinite Log View.

4.2 Restrictions

The Nodinite Administrator can define restrictions to regulate the content to present to the end-user.


These restrictions are not visible to the end-user, and there is no way for the end-user to circumvent these by altering the other available search options.

4.3 Default search setup

To facilitate search operations and narrow down the search options for end-users, the Nodinite Administrator can define what Search Fields are available. In addition, pre-set the proper relational operators and default values to make the search even easier and faster to use.

If you select to include two default search fields, when using the Log View, only these are on the display:
Default search fields
Here's an example of usage of the default search setup.

4.4 Optional fields

In addition to the default fields, the end-user may be allowed to further tune the search result using other fields of interest. The Nodinite Administrator may choose to include any of the search fields and the standard fields that comes with a Log Event.

The following fields are common:

  • Log Status Code - A number that tells if the processing of the message went fine. or not. For example, in BizTalk, the status code for OK is 0.
  • Search by Sequence Number - Sequence Number is a number labeled on the message or event. For example, a run may consist of multiple steps. You can allow search by Sequence Number, which is helpful when you know exactly what Log Event to get.
  • Log text - A piece of information coming with the message or event. You can allow search by Log text, which is helpful to narrow down the result set.

When checked, the search operation runs immediately with the default values from the search setup.

5. Data to search tab

Use the options available in the Data to Search tab to further refine the filters in use for the Log View.
Data to Search tab
Here's an example of the additional filter options available within the 'Data to Search' tab.


All entities (Endpoints, Message Types and so on) join with an AND operation. For example, if you add one item such as a Message Type and one Endpoint, then the Log Event must match both items. If you add another Message Type (item), an OR operation apply between the two Message Types. If you check the 'Visible in search' option, the User may choose which items to include in the search.


Our recommendation is that you first hand try the options available in the Search setup tab.

6. Display result tab

From the Display result tab, the Nodinite Administrator can adjust the columns in the result from a search operation.

6.1 Column Configuration

The Nodinite Administrator can fine-tune what columns are part of the search result. Then, to rename the columns, use the Artifact Renaming feature!

Column Configuration
Custom Column Configuration with Artifact Renaming.

You can use three different methods for column selection:

  1. Default
  2. Manual Configuration
  3. Use an existing configuration; please review the Display Field Configurations user guide for details.

7. Grouping tab

From the Grouping tab, the Nodinite Administrator can add one or more Group by fields and set a Post-group filter.

7.1 Group by options

  • Grouping - Group the result by the selected Field.


    You can select a maximum of four group by fields.

  • Lock group by - When checked, prevent the user from changing the group by field(s).
  • Use paging for events in a group - When checked, there is an improvement in performance for a large number of groups and/or a large number of events in each group.
  • Display a group summary - When checked, display a summary row for each group.
  • Collapse the group - When checked, collapse the list of events for each group.

Grouping tab
Here's an example of the Grouping tab.

7.2 Post-group filter

New 6.0

For example, with this feature, you can perform queries like the following:

  • List all Parcels that have been in Oslo (Any)
  • List all Parcels that never left Oslo (All)
  • List all parcels that originated in Oslo (First)
  • List all parcels where the last position is Oslo (Latest)
  • List all parcels that have never been to Oslo (None)

Post-group filter
Example defining a post-group filter.


These post-group operations may involve a lot of disk IO for the SQL Server instance. Make sure to optimize these queries, and use as short a time frame as possible to narrow down the result set.

Next Step

Add or manage Role
Add or manage User

Nodinite Log Events
Access Management