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Formula - replace

Replace a string with another string.

replace(oldText,newText,Content) Formula function used to replace a specific char/word with another char/word, the result will contain the newText instead of oldText.

Quick example

Let's get you started with the following example: For other, and more advanced examples please scroll down on this page to the Examples section.

Input Expression Result


replace('nodinite','most innovative product',body)

most innovative product
Text Data replace expression Unique values


  • Replace a given text from Content by a new text.
  • Can be applied to any valid Content that return text; Like jsonpath, xpath functions, review Formula user guide for the complete list of functions.


This plugin loads the entire message into RAM, so make sure to apply this function only on small messages.

How to use

To use the replace function, the Content parameter should contain a text/string (otherwise it will fail and you will end up with nothing). But first and foremost we have to configure the Formula plugin:

  • Select Formula as the expression type plugin.
  • Write down the expression to use in the 'Expression' text area.
  • Input proper Content as a parameter to the function.


Use the base64decode function with any of the following parameters:

  • From Message Body: replace(oldText,newText,body)

  • From Message Context: replace(oldText,newText,context('MessageContextKey'))

  • Result from previous Formula operation replace(oldText,newText,SomeOtherNestedFormulaFunction(Content))


Below you will find different common examples of how to use the replace function.

Body as Content

"nodinite" is the body content, by using the provided expression, the result is The worlds most innovative product.

e.g. replace('nodinite','The worlds most innovative product',body)

Simple Content parameter_replace

Message Body



replace('nodinite','The worlds most innovative product',body)

Context as Content

"nodinite" is the Message Context value and the key is "id", by using the provided expression, the result is The worlds most innovative company.

e.g. replace('nodinite','The worlds most innovative company',context('id'))

Simple Content parameter_replace

Message Context Value



replace('nodinite','The worlds most innovative company',context('id'))

Formula Function as Content

Body content is json array and the Content parameter is jsonpath function, by using the provided expression, the result is Cool Function, Cool Implementation.

e.g. replace('Amazing','Cool',jsonpath('$..name',body))

nested Content parameter_replace

Message Body

	{ "name" :"Amazing Function"},
	{"name" :"Amazing Implementation"}



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