- 3 minutes to read

Add or Manage a Nodinite Log Agent


In this user guide, you will learn how to add and manage a Nodinite Log Agents.

How do I add or manage Log Agent configurations?

  1. Either Manage (click on one Log Agent in the Log Agents Overview) or Add a new Log Agent (click on the Add Log Agent button)
From the Log Agents Overview From Add or Manage Log Agent page
  1. Enter the following details
  • Name - The user-friendly name for this Log Agent Configuration (Required)
  • Description - user-friendly description of the Log Agent Configuration (Optional)
  • Web Site - Link to remote documentation (Optional)
  • Log Agent Value Id - Unique Id (Required field) - Once set, this value must not change!

New Log Agent


The user-friendly name the of the Log Agent. For example:

  • BizTalk 2016 - Prod
  • iCore - Test
  • Azure Logic Apps (North Europe)
  • ...

Log Agent Value Id

Log Agent Value Id is the unique positive integer value for this specific Log Agent configuration. For example:

  • 1
  • 42
  • 1337


The Description property has the user-friendly information about this Log Agent configuration.

Web Site

Can be a link (URL) to some internal, or external documentation. (optional)

How do I add or manage Log Status Codes?

The Logging feature of Nodinite provides a way of adding human-readable texts for Log Status Codes. Review the "What is a Log Status Code" user guide if you are unfamiliar with this topic. You can add any number of Log Status Codes
Empty Log Status Code

In the Edit dialogue, you can manage the collection of Log Status Code.
Add Log Status Code

Since a Log Status Code can mean different things depending on for example integration broker (BizTalk, IBM Integration Bus, Mule, ...) the Log Status code is defined per Log Agent.
Edit Log Status Code for Log Agent
Click the Edit button to manage Log Status Codes for the selected Log Agent.

The following properties can be set:

Mandatory Property Description
Status Type Select one of the predefined values
Log Status The number logged in the Log Event either by custom code or by any of the Log Agents
Description A user-friendly description to display for this Log Status Code
Web Site Link to some page (optional)


You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.

Next Step

Logging Service - Processes (indexing) the logged messages
Log Views - Manage User access to events and messages across platform
Log Databases - Keep as much data as you like