- 2 minutes to read

Add or manage Time Interval Configurations

This guide teaches how to add and manage a Time Interval Configuration.

First, you must have created the set of Time Intervals to use before a Time Interval Configuration can be properly configured.

Add Time Interval Configuration

Click the 'Add Time Interval Configuration' button to create a new Time Interval Configuration for use with selected Log Views.
Add Time Interval Configuration Button

Manage Time Interval Configuration

Next, you will manage the properties and configuration for the Time Interval Configuration.

  • Name: A Time Interval Configuration must have a name. This name facilitates the selection in a Log View.
  • Description: A user-friendly description.
  • Allow Detailed Time Search: When checked, the end-user can override the pre-defined Time Interval(s), and use a custom date time as the search criteria


If the Time Interval Configuration is to be used in a Non-Events Monitoring Configuration, you must allow the detailed time search, and perform the actual search NOT using one of the pre-defined time intervals. The API URL you copy must use a custom time format.

Manage Time Intervals

A Time Interval Configuration consists of a set of Time Intervals. Click Edit to change the selection of included Time Intervals.
Manage Time Intervals

From the list of defined Time Intervals, select the ones to be included in the Time Interval Configuration.

The default value, is the Time Interval with the lowest time quanta.


You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.

Next Step

Add or manage Log View

Time Interval - What is a Time Interval? Log Views - What is a Log View?