- 3 minutes to read

Tags Overview

This Overview shows all user-defined Tags. Enter text in the filter text box to narrow down many records in the list.

View All Tags (
Here's an example of a list of Nodinite Tags.

Use Tags in Log View
Use Tags in Monitor View
Use Tags in Article


A Tag has a unique name. To create a new Tag, edit a Log View, Monitor View or an Article and enter the name of the new Tag. If the Tag already exists, just click on the entry; otherwise, click Enter. Don't forget to Save your changes.
Add new Tag (
Here's an example of adding a new Tag in a Nodinite Log View.

Edit Name

Click the pen button on a row in the Overview to change the name of the Tag.
Edit Tag Name (
Here's an example of the inline editor changing a name.

Then, click the Save button to persist changes or Cancel to discard.
Tag Save Success (


The System Administrator can remove associations for a Tag with Log Views, Monitor Views and Articles by clicking the Clear menu item within the Actions button.
Clear Action (
Here's an example of the Clear menu item within the Actions button for a Tag.

Next, you must confirm your intent to Clear any associations.
Confirm Clear Operation(

Click on the OK button to start the Clear operation. The result is displayed on top of the screen.
Successful Clear Operation Result (

Delete Tag

You can Delete a Tag by clicking the Delete menu item from within the Actions button.
Clear Action (
Here's an example of the Clear menu item within the Actions button for a Tag.

Remember, you can always bring back a deleted Tag using the Restore function. This safety net ensures you can confidently manage your Tags without fear of irreversible actions.

When you choose to delete a Tag, all its associations with Log Views, Monitor Views, and Articles will be removed. This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to proceed?
Confirm Delete Operation(

When you're absolutely sure you want to remove a Tag from the system, the 'Delete Permanently' function is there for you. Click OK to start the  operation, and rest assured that the Tag will be permanently deleted. Successful Delete Operation Result (

Restore Tag

You can Restore a deleted Tag by clicking the Restore menu item from within the Actions button.
Restore Action (
Here's an example of the Restore menu item within the Actions button for a Tag.

Next, you must confirm your intent to Restore the deleted Tag.
Confirm Restore Operation(

Click on the OK button to start the Restore operation. The result is displayed on top of the screen.
Successful Restore Operation Result (

Permanently Delete Tag

You can Permanently Delete a Tag by clicking the Delete Permanently menu item from within the Actions button.
Delete Permanently Action (
Here's an example of the Delete Permanently menu item within the Actions button for a Tag.

Next, you must confirm your intent to Permanently Delete the Tag.
Confirm Permanently Delete Operation(

Click on the OK button to start the Delete Permanently operation. The result is displayed on top of the screen.
Successful Permanently Delete Operation Result (

Next Step

What is a Tag?

Log Views
Monitor Views