- 4 minutes to read


On this page you wil learn how to perform the Export operation

Step 1: Start Export operation

To perform the Export operation, either click on the Import / Export button in the Administration overview or navigate to the page using the menu:
Admin Import Export
Access to Import/Export from Administration sub menu

Click the Export tab and then click on the type of item that you would like to export. In this guide we will select an Integration since this is the top level object in the Repository Model and all related child objects will also be included in the export by default.
Export tab
Here's an example of the Export tab

A Nodinite administrator can also initiate the Export from the Actions button where applicable:
Here's an example of start Export operation for selected Integration

Step 2: Select item(s) to export

In the tree, select the items to be exported. Whenever you check a leaf in the tree, Nodinite will check any dependencies and add related items as necessary

List of Integrations to be exported
Select items for export

When you check a leaf, all dependencies are checked and added to the list by the system. A modal is presented while this operation is in progress. Depending on what level in the tree you checked, this operation may take anywhere between a few seconds and more. You should not export the whole Repository Model in one single operation. The Import / Export feature was built to manage a few (<100) at a time.

Checking dependencies
Here's an example of the dependency check operation modal

Once you are happy with the selected items to export, click on the Next button to proceed to the next step.

Next button
Here's an example of the Next button

Step 3: Export method

The output from the Export operation can be sent either:

Once you are happy with the choice of Export method, click on the Next button to proceed to the next step.

Next button
Here's an example of the Next button


For environments where direct communication is not allowed or available. This option is usually selected for customers with Nodinite in different WLAN (zones) or where production and test environments have different Active Directory associations. If you select to perform a file based Export, an Export file in JSON format is downloaded with your browser. Copy/Move this file to the target environment and proceed with the Upload operation in order to be able to Import the export data.
File option tab
Here's an example of the File option tab


The file option, opens a pop-up window for the file being created, that operation might be blocked depending on the browser settings. allow browser pop-ups

If you do not like the default file name (export_{CustomerName}_{EnvironmentName}_{Timestamp}.json), then you can provide your own name. Check the Use custom filename checkbox and enter a (valid) file name:

Custom file name option
Example, override default file name option

If you export directly to another Nodinite instance, then you will not need to Upload the file (the other previous export option method).

This option uses the Nodinite Web API and requires that External Instances have been pre-configured.

From the list of External Instances, select target Nodinite instance for the export operation.
External Instance
Example, External Instance tab

The target instance must be online and accessible
The current Windows user in the Web Client must be a Nodinite administrator on both Nodinite instances

Step 4: Confirm Export

The final step before performing the actual export, you are given an option to describe the export (ultimately an Import module). This information may be helpful when you later eventually manage the list of Import modules, review the Import user guide for additional information.

Example, describe export and confirm the intent to proceed with the export

Click the Start Export button to proceed, or click the No button to exit the confirm export modal. Start Export No Buttons
Buttons to confirm or abort the export operation

Step 5: Finish

If the Export succeeds, you are presented with the following alert.
Export finished
Example, successful export

Errors are presented in the browser. The most common problems are related to direct transfers between Nodinite instances, either due to network or access related problems.

Next Step


Import / Export
External Instances