- 4 minutes to read

Prerequisites for the Nodinite Web Client

This page describes the prerequisites for installing and running the Nodinite Web Client.

The Nodinite Web Client (versions 1-6) is a Web Application hosted in IIS on a Windows Server. The binaries ship with the Nodinite Core Services package.

graph LR subgraph "Consumers" roBrowser[fab:fa-chrome Chrome
fab:fa-firefox Firefox
fab:fa-edge Edge
fab:fa-safari Safari] end subgraph "Web Server" roWebClient(fal:fa-globe Web Client) ---roWebAPI(fal:fa-cloud-sun Web API) roBrowser ---roWebClient end

Internet Explorer provides a limited experience and is partially supported using Nodinite 5.3 and older. Version 5.4 and later does not support Internet Explorer at all.

Verified Topic
Supported Client Browser
Windows rights

Use the comprehensive checklist above to ensure that you have completed all the necessary steps for a successful deployment of Nodinite.

Supported Client Browser

The Nodinite Web Client requires a modern HTML-5 enabled browser. HTML is merely a collection of tags and attributes used to mark up a document to be processed by the browser. Unfortunately, the different browsers available on the market are not processing content equally, and you will get a different look and feel using Nodinite depending on your choice.

Browser Minimum Supported Version Recommended version Note
Chrome 48 Latest Recommended
edge 12 Latest Recommended
Safari 5 Latest
Firefox 37 Latest
Internet Explorer* About Lifecycle LIMITATIONS EXISTS - We do not recommend the usage of IE. Some features like Swagger are not supported. Nodinite 5.4+ does not render well in Internet Explorer and is not supported for use with Nodinite

/* Internet Explorer 9 and 10 were supported with Nodinite version 1-4. Nodinite 5, requires a modern HTML-5 browser.

We develop and test Nodinite using Chrome and Edge to give you the best and richest experience. Our recommendation is to stick with these options.

What Windows rights does the Web Client require?

  • The service account in use for the Web Client must be able to login to the server: Allow Logon locally.


If you want to grant a user account the ability to log on locally to a domain controller, you must make that user a member of a group that already has the Allowed logon locally system right or grant the right to that user account.

  • The service account in use for the WebClient must be a member of the IIS_IUSRS.

Technically speaking, when you install Nodinite, the install and update tool configures the Nodinite Web Client with a dedicated named IIS App Pool. This IIS App Pool runs with ASP.NET Impersonation; Review the IIS Authentication settings user guide for additional information. Calls to the Nodinite Web API retain the information about the end-user.

What are the required Firewall settings for the Web Client?

The Nodinite Web Client requires open ports for both inbound and outbound communication. Since Nodinite is highly configurable, the actual ports in use may differ from the example below.

graph LR subgraph "PowerBI, Excel, QlikView" roReport[fal:fa-chart-line-up Metrics chart Custom Reports] end subgraph "Web Server" roWebAPI(fal:fa-cloud-sun Web API) roWebClient(fal:fa-globe Web Client) -->|80,443,...| roWebAPI roReport -.-|80,443,...| roWebAPI roReport -.-|80,443,...| roWebClient end
  1. Inbound communication
    • HTTP and/or
    • HTTPS
  2. Outbound communication with the Nodinite Web API
    • HTTP and/or
    • HTTPS

1. Inbound communication

Port Name Inbound Outbound TCP UDP Comment
80 HTTP default for HTTP
443 HTTPS default for HTTPS
  • 1-65535 - It depends on what port you have assigned using 'Edit Bindings' for the Web Site hosting the Nodinite Web Client
    • If you're going to host Nodinite on non-default ports, Please contact our support for guidance at support@nodinite.com

2. Outbound communication with the Web API

The Web API is responsible for all communication with the underlying databases.

Port Name Inbound Outbound TCP UDP Comment
80 HTTP default for HTTP
443 HTTPS default for HTTPS
  • 1-65535 - It depends on what port you have assigned using 'Edit Bindings' for the Web Site hosting the Nodinite Web Client.


If you intend to host Nodinite on non-default ports, Please contact our support for guidance at support@nodinite.com

Frequently asked questions

Answers to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite Web Client are detailed on the Troubleshooting page.

Can I secure the Web Client?

Yes, the Nodinite Web Client fully supports the use of SSL certificates. Simply add your certificate to IIS and configure the Nodinite Web Client to allow traffic only through using HTTPS for enhanced security.


Review the Nodinite IIS Hardening user guide for more information.

What SQL Rights does the Web Client require?

None! The Nodinite Web Client does not access any database; hence, the application pool does not need SQL Server grants.

No SQL Server rights are needed for the Nodinite Web Client. As the Web Application does not access any database, there is no need for any SQL Server rights, providing a hassle-free experience.

Next Step

Install Nodinite