- 5 minutes to read

How do I install a new instance of Nodinite - Part 2?


This page is a continuation of Part 1

In the following steps, you will configure the default behaviour for Nodinite. All these settings are System Parameters unique for each instance of Nodinite and can, therefore, easily be changed later.

Please review the steps of interest. Then, at least, you must add yourself or the account to use with the Nodinite Web Client in step 13.
Configure Basic Steps

Step 9 Configuration

Configure Log Database Options

Provide options that determine how large or old Log Databases can grow.
Configure Log Database options
Split options by size or time

  1. Size to split database on in (GB) - Default is 31 GB, and modern SQL Server instances with outstanding DISK IO can manage 50-100 GB
  2. Days to split database on - Default is 10000 days which means that the database splits based on the size

Step 10 Configure Logging Options

Provide the options for how long to store Log Events events and payload. These settings apply as the default setting for new Message Types.
Log Events Logging Options
Options for how long time to keep events and payload

  1. The default number of days to keep logged events
  2. The default number of days to keep data/body logged events

Step 11 Configure Monitoring Options

Provide the options for how long time to store monitoring events. This historical data is available in the Monitor Views graphs.
Configure Monitoring Options

Step 12 Configure Active Directory Support

Provide options for integration with Active Directory:
Manage support for Windows Active Directory groups
When checked; Enable the use of Windows Active Directory groups

Step 13 Configure Administrators

Provide options for what users are granted access to the Web Client as part of the Administrators Role.

Add users
Add the users to be Nodinite Administrators.

Step 14 Review Configuration

Review the configuration and click on the 'Next' button

Options Completed

On the Verify page, you will start the Logging- and Monitoring Service.

Verify step

Step 15 Start Logging Service

If you are installing a new instance of Nodinite, the Logging Service creates a new Log Database on the first start. This behaviour is designed to validate and test that the account for the Logging Service has sufficient rights to create new Log Databases.


If you are upgrading Nodinite with existing old Log Databases; You must ensure all old Log Databases are first updated before starting the Logging Service. Duplicate the tab in the browser, navigate to the installed environment, and manually execute the scripts to have all existing log databases updated.


If you are using a named instance on a fail-over cluster, you must ensure that the linked server localhost\instance exists. You may need to manually deploy the log database if the Logging Service fails to create the first log database. Contact our technical support if the problem can't be resolved at this stage.

Click the 'Start' button to start the Logging Service

When and if the Logging Service starts, information about the online Log Database is present on the page. This is either a new one or your updated old existing one.
Information about the new Log database
Basic information about online Log Database

Step 16 Start Monitoring Service

Your next step is to start the Monitoring Service.

Start Monitoring Service option
Click the 'Start' button to start the Monitoring Service

Started Monitoring Service
Here's an example of the successful start operation of the Nodinite Monitoring Service

Step 17 Finish

Congratulations! you have now successfully installed Nodinite!

Completed Nodinite installation

You should now be returned to the page managing the environment. You can click on the 'Web Client' button to quickly navigate further in a new tab to the Web Client.
Web Client Quick Link
Open the Nodinite Web Client quick link button.

Step 18 Post-installation steps

Make sure to perform Hardening on the instance.

After the installation completes, make sure to assign access rights for end-users that you want to grant access to the Nodinite Web Client; review the Assign Access Rights user guide for details.

Make sure the appropriate SQL rights are set for future Nodinite Log Databases. The Logging Service depends on the following System Parameters:

  1. ImLogAccessRoles
  2. ImLogServiceUsers

You can perform additional tuning on the instance; review the System Parameters users guide for additional information on this matter.

Install Logging Agents

To enable Logging please review the Installing and Configuring Nodinite Log Agents user guide.

Install Monitoring Agents

To enable Monitoring please review the Installing and Configuring Nodinite Monitoring Agents user guide.

Common errors

Each input field during the installation steps must be clicked on to validate content. If you do not click on each input field, the validation process will not be performed and the installation can not continue.

#1. Missing SQL package

The file SqlPackage.exe was not found on the server 'localhost':
Missing SQL package

Solution: Download the latest DaxFX package.

#2. Unauthorized

If end-users can't log on to either the Web Client or the Web API although they are registered as either Users or Windows AD Groups, make sure the end-users have the local policy: "Access this computer from the network" set:
Default settings
default settings example for Windows 2016

#3. IIS Authentication settings

Review the IIS Authentication settings troubleshooting guide if you encounter any other IIS-related problems.

Next Step

Administer Nodinite
Configure BizTalk LogAgent

Web Client
Release Notes
Logging Service
Monitoring Service
Log Databases