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Update Integration Manager from v4 to Nodinite v5

On this page you will learn how to update Integration Manager v4 to Nodinite v5.

Looking for a partner to help you update? Please contact any of our certified Partners.

This guide assumes you have Integration Manager version 4 installed, which also means that all Prerequisites are already in place.

Nodinite 6.0 and later versions require .NET Framework 4.8 or later. Nodinite 5.1 and later versions require .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later. Nodinite 5.0 requires .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later


  • You must have access to old accounts and their passwords since they must be re-entered during the install and update process.
  • You must be allowed to manage instances, see Install and Update Tool - Access Rights
  • Review IIS Authentication settings - You MUST use multiple app pools configured with 1 unique for each Web application. The installer stops and restarts the different App Pools automatically during the update.

IIS App Pools that must exists prior to update
Make sure that you have at least the highlighted 4 App Pools on your Nodinite IIS Windows Server (change name according to your environment...)

If you change the App Pool configuration you must make sure changes are updated in the settings.json file for the Update client.

Estimated time

The update process will usually take 1 hour for a test environment, and somewhat longer depending on the number and size of Log Databases to be updated. 1 hour is an estimate including replacing all Monitoring Agents and Log Agents

Step 1: Download binaries

You must download the following components and install them in the following order:

  1. New installer (Install and Update tool)
  2. New Core Services Package
  3. New Agents

Step 2: Install the Nodinite Install and update tool

  1. Make a copy of the app.im.json file and store it in a safe place where you rename it as settings.json

  2. Install the new Nodinite Install and Update Tool

  3. Replace the settings.json file in the new folder structure with the file from step 1.


    The file is now located in the APP_DATA folder

  4. Reload the browser and make sure all old environments are now listed in the Update/Configure menu pane:
    List of Environments
    sample list of environments.

Step 3: Download the version of Nodinite to install

Follow the steps detailed in the Packages user guide

Step 4: Update Nodinite to latest package

  1. Follow the steps detailed in the Update an existing instance of Nodinite user guide

Remember you must update ALL Log Databases before you can click on the Update all button. This is the most time-consuming step.


The update process may consume a lot of disk space (remember all transactions are logged within sql to the Log file). Make sure to shrink all database files after each database has been updated.

Step 5: Update Monitoring and Logging agents

  1. Download the latest MSI
  2. Verify the agent to update is really installed on the server you seek to update.
  3. Make a note of the Service Account being used before you install the new version of the agent. The old service name will be replaced with a new one.
  4. Install the latest version of agent to new folder structure and re-use the account from previous step.
  5. From the old location, copy the *agent*.json file to the new location where it is now called Settings.json

    Some agents provide Metrics, make sure to copy the Metrics.json file if one exists

  6. Restart agent
  7. Change the Service URL from IM to Nodinite
  8. Verify configuration (make sure all settings still apply)

    Some agents have a new Culture property available in the Settings tab, make sure to set a value as appropriate for your time zone

  9. Remove the old folder for the agent (the old folder should now only contain a few files)

Repeat step 5 for each agent to update


If the account for the agent is not local admin you may need to allow the agent to communicate on the new Endpoint (previous installations had /IM which is now /Nodinite, see Port 8000 user guide for additional information)

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8000/Nodinite user=DOMAIN\user

The DOS command grants the service account DOMAIN\USER allowance to the url access control list.

Useful TSQL scripts

The following TSQL scripts may be helpful when you want to change the names of existing Log Databases.

Change database names

This script creates another TSQL Script that can be used to rename all existing databases in your SQL Instance with a name like the @prefix variable.

Change the @prefix parameter as appropriate and run from the Master database

DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(max) =''
DECLARE @prefix NVARCHAR(255) =  'IMLog_DEMO_'
SET @length = LEN(@prefix) 

;WITH imlogdatabases (Name) as
(SELECT name From sys.databases Where name Like (@prefix + '%'))--'IM_Log_PROD_%')
Select @sql += 'ALTER DATABASE [' + l.Name + '] Modify Name = [NodiniteLog_PROD_' + Substring(l.name, @length +1, 255) +']'  + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) 
FROM imlogdatabases l
Print @@Rowcount
Print @sql

Creates a script to change the names of existing Log Databases.

Change name of existing Log databases

This script creates another TSQL Script that can be used to change the names of the Log Databases in the LogTables table in the Configuration Database (name like the @prefix variable).

Change the @prefix parameter as appropriate and run from the Configuration Database

DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(max) =''
DECLARE @prefix NVARCHAR(255) =  'IMLog_PROD_'
SET @length = LEN(@prefix) 

;WITH imlogdatabases ([Database]) as
(SELECT [Database] From LogTables Where [Database] Like (@prefix + '%'))--'IM_Log_PROD_%')
Select @sql += 'UPDATE LogTables SET [Database] = ''NodiniteLog_PROD_' + Substring(l.[Database], @length +1, 255) +''''  + ' WHERE [Database] = ''' + l.[Database] + '''' + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) 
FROM imlogdatabases l
ORDER BY [Database]
Print @@Rowcount
Print @sql

Creates a script to update the LogTables table in Configuration Database.

Contact our support

If you still have any questions, or have trouble updating, please contact if applicable your partner with 1st line support or issue a ticket with us at support@nodinite.com