- 4 minutes to read

Manage Azure Application Insights Monitoring

Let your business perform everyday tasks and get the answers they need by executing your pre-defined Kusto queries against Azure Application Insights for selected Azure subscriptions.

For your business and other end-users; Delegate the power to manage, and gain insights to selected Application Insights instances in Azure. The Nodinite Monitoring aids the support and maintenance team's people in having additional data for root cause analysis without having individual direct access to the Microsoft Azure Portal. Reducing access limits the number of attack vectors, and having fewer people with fewer access rights minimizes the risk of disruption of mission-critical services.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite" roUser(fal:fa-user User) ro1(fal:fa-display Monitor View) subgraph "Script Collection" ro2[fal:fa-question-square Kusto Query 1] ro3[fal:fa-question-square Kusto Query 2] end subgraph "Script Collection" ro4[fal:fa-question-square Kusto Query 3] end end subgraph "Azure" roAI1[fal:fa-lightbulb-on Application Insights Instance 1] roAI2[fal:fa-lightbulb-on Application Insights Instance 2] end roUser --> ro1 ro1 --- |Execute|ro2 ro1 --- |Execute|ro3 ro1 --- |Execute|ro4 ro2 --> roAI1 ro3 --> roAI1 ro4 --> roAI2
Application Management Team IT Operations Business
Let your AM team have the power to execute Kusto queries without involving the IT operations team Stay in complete control with access to everything Give your business Data and self-service for solutions built using Application Insights

Management Features

For Resources in the Role-based Monitor Views with the Remote Actions privilege grant; The following Remote Actions grouped by Category are available:

Category Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
Application Insights - Details
Manage API Key
Execute Query

As an Administrator with access to the Configuration for Monitoring Agents, the additional Monitoring options are available:

Monitoring Remote Configuration
Monitoring Application Insights
  • Add and Remove Subscriptions
  • Enable and Disable the monitoring as specified
  • Edit Script Collection

    Application Insights

    The 'Application Insights' Category provides one Resource for each Application Insights instance found using the configuration with the specified display name as the Resource name.
    Application Insights
    Example from a Monitor View with a list of 'Application Insights' instances.

    See Monitoring Application Insights for additional details about Application Insights Monitoring.

    The Application Insights category provides Resources that display the evaluated monitored state according to built-in rules.

    The following Remote Actions are available for the Application Insights Category:

    Remote Actions


    To view the selected Application Insights Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Details Menu Action
    Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Application Insights instance.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Application Insights Details

    Manage API Key

    The Nodinite Azure Functions Monitoring and Kusto Query Execution requires an API key to access data in the Application Insights instance. You can manage the API key in the following places:

    To manage the API key for the selected Application Insights instance; Click the Action button and then click on the Manage API Key menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Manage API Key Action
    Use the 'Manage API Key' action menu item to open the Manage API Key modal for the selected Application Insights instance.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Manage API Key

    • Instrumentation Key - Automatically set, should not need to be edited
    • API key - The API key from the Application Insights instance with read-rights
    • Description - The user-friendly description for this Application Insights instance as presented in Nodinite

    Execute Query


    You must provide an API Key to use this feature.

    For each Application Insights instance, the Nodinite Administrator can manage a Kusto query script collection. The collection is created and managed from within the Global Configuration.

    From the Monitor View, end-users gain self-service and execute these queries and review the result.

    To execute the pre-defined queries, and to view the result for the selected Application Insights resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Execute Query menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Execute Query Action
    Use the 'Execute Query' action menu item to open the Execute Query modal for the selected Application Insights instance.

    Next, click the option to present the modal. In the modal, you will find the set of pre-defined Kusto queries for that Application Insights instance.
    Execute Query

    Click the Execute button to run the pre-defined Kusto query. The result, if any, is presented at the bottom of the modal.
    Result from query


    Kusto queries with a Date Time must be in the ISO 8069 format.

    Find Connectors query

    If you are using a connector in a Logic Apps Workflow that you would like to remove but do not know where to look, please run the following Kusto query to find out where it is being used.

    The example below finds out where AtomicScope-Tracking exists. You should always try to avoid a vendor lock-in. Nodinite has plug and play Monitoring and Logging for Logic Apps Workflows.

    | where type == "microsoft.logic/workflows"
    | extend connections = properties.parameters.$connections.value
    | mv-expand(connections)
    | project resourceGroup, name, connections
    | parse kind = regex connections with * '"id":"' connection_id '","connectionName' *
    | parse kind = regex connections with * '"connectionName":"' connection_connectionName '",' *
    | parse kind = regex connections with * '"connectionId":"' connection_connectionId '"' *
    | project LogicApp=name, ConnectorId=connection_id, ConnectionName=connection_connectionName, Id=connection_connectionId
    | where isnotempty(ConnectorId)
    | where ConnectorId contains "AtomicScope-Tracking"

    Next Step

    Monitoring Application Insights
    Configuring the Nodinite Azure Monitoring agent

    Azure Logging and Monitoring Overview
    Prerequisites for Azure Agent