- 10 minutes to read

Manage Monitoring of Functions in Azure

Don't let your business down! Get alerts for problems with the Azure Functions and gain access to details without the Azure portal.

Remote Actions (View history, Enable, Disable, and more)
Test (Invoke)
Monitoring Functions

For your business and other end-users, delegate the power to manage Functions and gain insights into selected Functions in Azure. Nodinite Monitoring aids the support and maintenance team's people in having additional data for root cause analysis without having individual direct access to the Microsoft Azure Portal. Reducing access limits the number of attack vectors, and having fewer people with fewer access rights minimizes the risk of disruption of mission-critical services.

graph LR subgraph "Nodinite Azure Functions Monitoring" roA[fal:fa-monitor-waveform Azure Agent] ---- roM(fal:fa-display Monitoring) end subgraph "Azure" roWS(fal:fa-globe Web Site - Function App) roFx(fal:fa-function Functions) end roM --- roWS roWS --- roFx
Application Management Team IT Operations Business
Let your AM team have the power to be proactive without disturbing the IT operations team Stay in complete control with access to everything Give your business information and self-service for solutions built using the Functions in Azure

Functions Resources
Here's an example of different types of Azure Function-related Monitoring Resources in a Nodinite Monitor View.

Management Features

For Resources in the Role-based Monitor Views with the Remote Actions privilege grant; The following Remote Actions grouped by Category are available:

Functions related Categories
Nodinite Functions related categories

Category Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
Functions Non-Events
  • Too few
  • Too many
  • Too lengthy
State (Enabled/Disabled)
Function - Failed Execution - -
Web Site - Function App - -

As an Administrator with access to the Configuration for Monitoring Agents, the additional Monitoring options are available:

Monitoring Remote Configuration
Azure Agent - Monitoring Function
  • Add and Remove Subscriptions
  • Enable and Disable the monitoring as specified
  • Manage exclusion filters


    The 'Function' Category provides one Resource for each Azure Function found with its name as the Resource name.
    Function Resources
    Here's an example from a Nodinite Monitor View with a list of Azure Functions.

    See Monitoring Functions: The Functions category provides Resources that display the evaluated monitored state according to built-in rules.

    The following Remote Actions are available for the Functions Category:

    Remote Actions - Function

    Enable Function

    You can Enable a disabled Azure Function by clicking the Action button and then clicking on the Enable menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Enable Function Action
    Enable Function Remote Action.

    A prompt will then verify your intent to Enable the selected Function.
    Enable Function Prompt
    Confirm intent to Enable the selected Azure Function.

    Next, the result from the operation is presented. This can be either success or failure.
    Function successfully Enabled
    Here's an example of a successful result enabling a disabled Azure Function.

    Disable Function

    You can Disable an enabled Azure Function by clicking the Action button and then clicking on the Disable menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Disable Function Action
    Disable Function Remote Action.

    A prompt will then verify your intent to Disable the selected Function.
    Disable Function Prompt
    Confirm intent to Disable the selected Azure Function.

    Next, the result from the operation is presented. This can be either success or failure.
    Function successfully Disabled
    Here's an example of a successful result disabling an enabled Azure Function.

    View history

    To view the history for the Function Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the View history menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    View History Menu Action
    Use the 'View history' action menu item to open the modal for the selected Function.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    View history

    You can change the lookback period, click the Sync button to perform the search.

    Click on the small button on each row to present all logged events from within a Run.
    Run events

    Functions Details

    To view essential Details about the selected Function Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Details Menu Action
    Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Function.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Functions Details

    Edit Function

    The thresholds for the Non-Events related Monitoring features can be modified; Click the Action button and then click on the Edit menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Edit Function Menu Action
    Use the 'Edit' action menu item to open the Edit modal for the selected Function.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Edit function

    You can manage the Monitoring values for the following fields:

    • Description - A user-friendly description about the Azure Function.
    • Last clear date time - Ignore execution errors before this point in time (NOTE: Time is UTC).
    • Use global thresholds - When checked, the monitoring thresholds uses the global settings
    • Lookback period - How far back in time to look for problems. The monitoring evaluation uses this value if the current time is higher than the last clear date-time + the lookback period
    • Min execution count (Warning) - The least number of invocations within the lookback period, otherwise, raise a Warning.
    • Min execution count (Error) - The least number of invocations within the lookback period, otherwise, raise an Error.

      Enter the monitoring thresholds for the count-based evaluation. -1 means that the check is disabled (default)

    • Max execution count (Warning)
    • Max execution count (Error)
    • Duration (ms)
      • Warning
      • Error

    Click the Save button to persist changes. The Agent is using caching; allow a few minutes to get synchronized with the new values.

    Manage Keys

    You can view and manage the keys in use to authenticate with invocations to the Azure Function. Click the Action button and then click on the Manage Keys menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Manage Keys Menu Action
    Use the 'Manage Keys' action menu item to open the modal for the selected Functions.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Functions Manage Keys Modal

    Click the New Function Key button to create a new Function Key.
    New Function Key button

    A panel appears and here is where you add the mandatory name and the optional key value. Leave the field empty to allow the system to create it for you.
    New Key properties

    Click the button to create a new key. A modal appears asking the User to confirm the intent.
    Confirm intent creating new Key

    On each Key in the table, there is an Action button with the following Remote Actions:
    Key Actions

    Renew Function Key

    Click the Renew menu item in the Actions button for an existing Key to generate a new value.
    Function Key Action - Renew

    You must confirm the intent.
    Confirm intent to renew key

    This operation may take a few seconds. The Modal reloads once the operation has finished.

    Delete Function Key

    You can delete an existing Key. Click the Delete menu item in the Actions button for an existing Key to generate a new value.
    Function Key Action - Delete

    You must confirm the intent.
    Confirm intent delete key

    This operation may take a few seconds. The Modal reloads once the operation has finished.

    Test Function

    To test the Function Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Test menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Test Function Menu Action
    Use the 'Test' action menu item to open the modal for the selected Functions.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Functions Post Modal

    Not all Functions can be tested. If the Function has an HTTP trigger, then you can use it. Otherwise, the following message appears on screen.
    Not Implemented - Test Function

    On the Modal there are three tabs and you must select the proper HTTP VERB (i.e. POST, GET) and Key.

    1. Body
    2. Params
    3. Headers

    Click the Run button once you have applied all values required to Test the Azure Function.

    Function - Failed Executions

    The 'Function - Failed Executions' Category provides one Resource for each Function found as the Resource name.
    Function - Failed Functions Category
    Example from a Monitor View with a list of 'Function - Failed Executions' Resources.

    See Monitoring Functions for additional details about 'Function - Failed Executions' Monitoring.

    The Functions - Failed Executions category provides Resources that displays the evaluated monitored state according to built-in rules (errors exist in the lookback period).

    The following Remote Actions are available for the Functions - Failed Executions Category:

    Remote Actions - Failed Executions

    List failed executions

    To view failed executions for the selected Function Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the List failed executions menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Failed executions - List Menu Action
    Use the 'List failed executions' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Azure Function.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    List Failed Executions Modal

    This modal is mainly the same as the View history modal. In addition, you can perform the following operation.

    Clear all failed Executions button

    If the Clear Date Time is set and is within the lookback time period; at first, the table is filtered. You can click on the Sync button to load content according to the selected lookback period.
    Limited result

    Clear failed executions

    You can opt to ignore previous execution failures. This will set the Resource to OK until the subsequent failure occurs. Click the Action button and then click on the Clear failed executions menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Failed executions - Clear Menu Action
    Use the 'Clear failed executions' action menu item to clear previously failed executions.

    You must confirm intent to proceede with the operation.
    Confirm intent to Clear

    If the operation is successful, a message resembling the following should be on the screen.
    Clear operation is successful

    Function App Web Site

    All Azure Functions are hosted on a Web Site (Function App). The Nodinite Azure Monitoring agent creates one Resource for each Web Site. The Category is Web Site - Function App Web Site - Function App - Category

    The following Remote Actions are available for the Web Site - Function App Category:

    Web Site - Function App - Remote Actions

    Function App Web Site Details

    To view essential Details about the selected Web Site - Function App Resource; Click the Action button and then click on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Details Menu Action
    Use the 'Details' action menu item to open the details modal for the selected Web Site with Azure Functions.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Web Site - Functions Details


    The Statistics section helps gain insights about the frequency and duration of Runs. You can use this data to configure the Non-Events type of feature. You can review the following properties (sorted and grouped by Azure Function):

    • Most succeeded
    • Most error-prone
    • Fastest
    • Slowest
    • Average execution-time
    • Last Run
    • Newest Run
    • Potentially dead - N/A There is no data to present within the lookback period.

    Manage API Key

    You can view and manage the API Key in use to authenticate with the Application Insights invocations to the Azure Function. Click the Action button and then click on the Manage Keys menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Manage API Key Menu Action
    Use the 'Manage Keys' action menu item to open the modal for the selected Functions.

    Next, click the option to present the modal.
    Functions Manage Keys Modal

    This Azure Agent - Managing Application Insights - Manage API Key


    You can Start a stopped Azure Function Web Site, click the Action button and then click on the Start menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Start Function Web Site Action
    Start Function Web Site Remote Action.

    A prompt will then verify your intent to Start the selected Web Site.
    Start Function Web Site Prompt
    Confirm intent to Start the selected Azure Function Web Site.

    Next, the result from the operation is presented. This can be either success or failure.
    Function Web Site successfully Started
    Here's an example of a successful result starting an Azure Function Web Site.


    You can Stop a started Azure Function Web Site, click the Action button and then click on the Stop menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
    Stop Start Function Web Site Action
    Stop Function Web Site Remote Action.

    A prompt will then verify your intent to Stop the selected Web Site.
    Stop Function Web Site Prompt
    Confirm intent to Stop the selected Azure Function Web Site.

    Next, the result from the operation is presented. This can be either success or failure.
    Function Web Site successfully Stopped
    Here's an example of a successful result stopping an Azure Function Web Site.

    Next Step

    Monitoring Functions
    Configuring the Nodinite Azure Monitoring agent

    Azure Logging and Monitoring Overview
    Prerequisites for Azure Agent