- 7 minutes to read

FTP (FTPS) Category

Monitor FTP and FTPS Sources for aging files.

The File and FTP Folder Monitoring Agent monitors the age of files on one or more FTP and FTPS sites.
You can apply Various filters to include and/or exclude files and folders:

  • Age
    • Warning threshold
    • Error threshold
  • Size
    • Min
    • Max
  • RegEx based filter
  • Include child folders
    • Exclude child folders
    • Exclude child folder by RegEx

State evaluation example

Remote Configuration

As a Nodinite Administrator, click on the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent:

Remote Configuration
Here's an example of Configuration button available in the Monitoring Agent Configuration administration page

Many specific configurations can also be made directly on the Resource using the Action button if the Monitor View has the use of Remote Actions feature enabled.

Add FTP Server

The agent can monitor many FTP Servers/Folders. Add and remove FTP servers from the 'FTP/FTPS' tab.

Click on the Add button to add a FTP Server to monitor, repeat as needed. New entry

For each FTP configuration, you can set the following properties:

  • Enabled - Flag to set if monitoring for this configuration is enabled, or not.
  • Display Name - User-friendly name for this FTP configuration. This is also the Resource name in Monitor Views.
  • Description - A user-friendly description about this configuation.
  • Application ID - Resources are grouped by Application and then by Category using the value from the Name text field. Read more about Applications here:

Empty tab
You can add as manu entries as you require.

Further configuration is performed from any of the following tabs

Basic tab

From the Basic tab, you can enter the basic information to connect with FTP server to monitor:
Basic Tab

  • Host - Server Host name or IP-address.
  • Port - The TCP port to use (channel specific).
  • Folder - The base path of the folder to monitor.
  • Filter The filter uses RegEx to match, and uses the file name to match only xml files for example test.xml you should use \.xml$. The filter is case insensitive and ignores multiple white spaces. ( the Windows style filter *.txt can not be used!).
  • Time zone - Specify the time zone the FTP server is located for correct evaluation of thresholds. Default is the time zone where the monitor agent is installed.

Advanced tab

From the Advanced tab, you can enter the additional information to connect with FTP server to monitor:
Advanced Tab

  • Encryption mode
    • None (default)
    • Implicit
    • Explicit
  • Connection mode - The default is "AutoPassive"
Connection Mode Description
AutoPassive This type of data connection attempts to use the EPSV command and if the server does not support EPSV it falls back to the PASV command before giving up unless you are connected via IPv6 in which case the PASV command is not supported.
PASV Passive data connection. EPSV is a better option if it's supported. Passive connections connect to the IP address dictated by the server which may or may not be accessible by the client for example a server behind a NAT device may give an IP address on its local network that is inaccessible to the client. Please note that IPv6 does not support this type data connection. If you ask for PASV and are connected via IPv6 EPSV will automatically be used in its place.
PASVEX Same as PASV except the host supplied by the server is ignored and the data connection is made to the same address that the control connection is connected to. This is helpful in scenarios where the server supplies a private/non-routable network address in the PASV response. It's functionally identical to EPSV except some servers may not implement the EPSV command. Please note that IPv6 does not support this type data connection. If you ask for PASV and are connected via IPv6 EPSV will automatically be used in its place.
EPSV Extended passive data connection, recommended. Works the same as a PASV connection except the server does not dictate an IP address to connect to, instead the passive connection goes to the same address used in the control connection. This type of data connection supports IPv4 and IPv6.
AutoActive This type of data connection attempts to use the EPRT command and if the server does not support EPRT it falls back to the PORT command before giving up unless you are connected via IPv6 in which case the PORT command is not supported.
PORT Active data connection, not recommended unless you have a specific reason for using this type. Creates a listening socket on the client which requires firewall exceptions on the client system as well as client network when connecting to a server outside of the client's network. In addition, the IP address of the interface used to connect to the server is the address the server is told to connect to which, if behind a NAT device, may be inaccessible to the server. This type of data connection is not supported by IPv6. If you specify PORT and are connected via IPv6 EPRT will automatically be used instead.
EPRT Extended active data connection, not recommended unless you have a specific reason for using this type. Creates a listening socket on the client which requires firewall exceptions on the client as well as client network when connecting to a server outside of the client's network. The server connects to the IP address it sees the client coming from. This type of data connection supports IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Filter on size
  • Include child folders
  • Exclude child folders
  • Exclude child folders by RegEx - List of matched child folders to exclude from monitoring if the 'Include child folders' option is checked.
    An example configuration is detailed in the Folders (SMB) user guide.

Thresholds tab

From the Thresholds tab, you can enter the thresholds:
Thresholds Tab

  • Warning Time Span The longest allowed time span before Warning alert is raised should be in the following format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).


    Use the same time as Errors (or higher) to disable the use for warnings.

  • Error Time Span The longest allowed time span before Error alert is raised should be in the following format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).


The different evaluated states are documented in the Overview

Scheduling tab

From within the Scheduling tab you can manage the following schedule-related monitoring properties:
Scheduling Tab

An example configuration is detailed in the Folders (SMB) user guide.

Authentication tab

From the Authentication tab, you can enter the basic information to connect with FTP server to monitor:

  • User name - Authenticate as user
  • Password - password for user

Authentication Tab


You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.


The delay in presenting the new evaluated state depends on the synchronization interval set for the monitoring agent. Click the Sync Now button to force an immediate synchronization.

Save and close, save, and close the dialogue.
Cancel, closes the dialogue without saving any changes.

Remote Actions

Resource Name Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
FTP/FTS List files

All operations you and other Users perform are logged to the Nodinite Audit Log, ensuring you stay compliant with policies and applicable regulations.
Remote Actions

List files

The file content of monitored SMB folders can be listed using the List files Remote Action.
List Files Action

Then, a new screen opens with details about the files. List Files Modal

You can download a file by opening the Actions button and then click on the Download menu item.

Edit thresholds

You can manage the monitoring thresholds by opening the Actions button and then click on the Edit menu item.
Edit thresholds Action

From the modal, you can alter the monitoring thresholds:
Edit thresholds

Next Step

Install File Folder Monitoring Agent

Folders (SMB)
Folders (NFS)

Monitor Views
Monitoring Agents