- 5 minutes to read

Manage NFS Folder Monitoring

Monitor files on NFS shares using MFT systems integrations solutions (typically Linux or other NFS enabled sources).

The File and FTP Folder Monitoring Agent monitors the number, age and allowed size range for files on one or more Folders (using the NFS protocol). Apply custom filters to include and/or exclude files and folders.
Each NFS configuration presents as a unique Resource within Monitor Views.
NFS tab

In the Overview, an example with the different evaluated states exist.

Add NFS folder to Monitor

In the remote configuration dialogue, there are multiple tabs with properties to set determining the operational monitoring behaviour:

NFS Entry
Monitoring NFS folder tab.

  • Enabled - When checked, monitor this NFS File/Folder configuration, otherwise do not monitor.
  • Display name - The Resource name in Nodinite Monitor Views.


    Change the name with caution! If the Resource exists with an explicit configuration within one or more Nodinite Monitor Views, changing the name of the Resource renders the Monitor View useless (Resource is no longer included due to the change in the name).

  • Description (optional) A description of the monitored folder.
  • Application ID (optional) is the correspondent Id for an Application under the Applications tab. Set the value to 0 to skip the use of Application.

Basic tab

You need to first provide the following general information in the Basic tab:
Basic Tab

  • Host - Which server to connect to.
  • Folder - The full path.
  • Version for the NFS - The NFS version to use for communication.
  • Filter - RegEx based filter that files need to match. The filter is case insensitive and ignores multiple whitespaces.


    The Windows style filter *.txt can not be used!.

Next you will find some common and valid filter examples:

Filter Example Comment
\.xml$ XML Files All XML files with suffix ".xml"
\.txt$ Text Files All text files with suffix ".txt"
^ONLYME\.data$ Specific file Only this file "ONLYME.data"
^PrefixedFileName.*\.csv$ Matching a file name pattern Files with prefix ^PrefixedFileName, and suffix .csv

Advanced tab

From within the Advanced tab you can manage the following NFS monitoring properties:
Advanced Tab Example with advanced NFS settings.

  • Encoding for the NFS - The encoding in use to connect.
  • Use privileged port - Enable this option to use local port from 665 to 1024.
  • Filter on size
    • Min
    • Max


When Max < MIN, the range between Min and Max is Excluded.

Min and Max filter options

  • Include child folders - When checked, include the subfolders in the monitoring except for the optionally excluded child folders (and consequently child folders of that child folder)
  • Exclude child folders - Exclude child folders matching a full match like C:\temp\BizTalk\INT001 - Demo\Out to exclude Out folder and the children, if the Folder is set to C:\temp\BizTalk\INT001 - Demo.
    Exclude Child Folders option
  • Exclude child folders by RegEx - List of matched child folders to exclude from monitoring if the 'Include child folders' option is checked.
    An example configuration is detailed in the Folders (SMB) user guide

Thresholds tab

From within the Thresholds tab you can manage the following file related monitoring properties:
Thresholds tab

  • Time evaluation type Evaluate and change the state of the Resource based either on Created or Modified file time.
  • Warning Time Span The longest allowed time span before Warning alert is raised should be in the following format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).


Use the same time as Errors (or higher) to disable the use for warnings.

  • Error Time Span The longest allowed time span before Error alert is raised should be in the following format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).

Scheduling tab

From within the Scheduling tab, you can manage the following schedule-related monitoring properties:
Scheduling tab

An example configuration is detailed in the Folders (SMB) user guide.

Authentication tab

From within the Authentication tab, you can manage the following authentication-related Monitoring properties:
Authentication tab

The service account needs read rights on included Folders, or you can specify per root folder which impersonated account to use.

  • Group Id - Group Id to use for connection

  • User Id - User Id to use for connection

  • Impersonate using Windows Authentication
    Windows Authentication option

  • Domain User - The user to connect with, (Format: DOMAIN\User)

  • Password - The password for the account

After configuring the agent, you can use the Resources within the Nodinite Monitor Views.


You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.


The delay in presenting the new evaluated state depends on the synchronization interval set for the monitoring agent. Click the Sync Now button to force an immediate synchronization.

Save and close, save, and close the dialogue.
Cancel, closes the dialogue without saving any changes.

Remote Actions

Resource Name Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
NFS List files

All operations you and other Users perform are logged to the Nodinite Audit Log, ensuring you stay compliant with policies and applicable regulations.

Remote Actions

List files

The file content of monitored NFS folders can be listed using the List files Remote Action.
List files action

List Files Modal

You can download a file by opening the Actions button and clicking the Download menu item.

Edit thresholds

You can manage the monitoring thresholds by opening the Actions button and clicking the Edit menu item.
Edit thresholds Action

From the modal, you can alter the monitoring thresholds:
Edit thresholds

Next Step

Install File Folder Monitoring Agent

Folders (SMB)

Monitoring Agents
Monitor Views