- 3 minutes to read

Configuring the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent


This guide teaches how to configure the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent to get alerts from Non-Events Monitoring configurations based on the result from Nodinite Log Views.


The Monitoring and the remote configuration is available if you first install and create the initial Monitoring Agent Configuration for the Non-Events Monitoring Agent. First-time users start here.

Remote Configuration

As a Nodinite Administrator, click on the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent:
Remote Configuration
Click the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent.

You can also apply specific configurations directly on the Resource using the Action button, given the Monitor View has the Remote Actions feature enabled.

Add new configuration

You can add and manage two different types of Non-Events Monitoring configurations; These are documented on the following pages:

  • Non-Events - Monitoring based on the number of rows from a search operation on a Nodinite Log View.
  • ACK/NAK - Monitoring based on a correlation using a grouped Nodinite Log View.

Non-Event configurations
Here's an example of the two different types of Non-Event configuration.

Settings tab

From within the Settings tab, you provide some details that determine the operational behaviour of the Non-Events Monitoring Agent.

Settings Tab


Part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents, there is an option to set the name of the target Environment, for example, TEST, QA, PROD.


Part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents, there is an option to set the Debug flag for additional file logging that can be enabled/disabled as needed. Default is unchecked.

Culture Information

The Culture Information setting determines how time-based data from this agent is presented in the Web Client/Web API.


You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.


The delay in presenting the new evaluated state depends on the synchronization interval set for the monitoring agent. Click the Sync Now button to force an immediate synchronization.

Save and close - Save, and close the dialogue.
Cancel - Close the dialogue without saving any changes.

Add Non Events Monitoring Agent Configuration

After the successful installation of the Non-Events Monitoring Agent you must provide Nodinite with connection details so the Monitoring Service knows there's a new guy in town.

No monitoring or other configuration of the Non-Events Monitoring Agent can be performed before the steps outlined below has been executed.

Configuration Steps

  1. Add and configure a new Monitoring Agent Configuration.

    • Connection information is available in the README.txt file in the installation folder.

  2. Use the Remote Configuration feature to configure the agent. Detailed at the beginning of this user guide.

  3. Create one or more self-service enabled Monitor Views that include the selected Resources provided by the Non-Events Monitoring Agent according to business needs.

  4. Fine-tune specific settings directly on Resources using Remote Actions.

Next Step

Scheduling - Set a period in between to limit the frequency of the calls. This is an important setting that you really should consider applying on all configurations! Otherwise, you may stress the system to the point where Nodinite becomes unresponsive.
Add or manage a Monitoring Agent Configuration
Add or manage Monitor View

Install Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent
Monitoring Agents