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Monitoring Certificates in Azure

Don't let your business down! Get alerts for ageing Certificates and gain access to details without the Azure portal.

This page provides documentation about Certificate Monitoring options using Nodinite from one or more role-based Monitor Views. Nodinite monitors the age of Certificates. You can manage the monitoring thresholds for the Certificate; Remote commands are available as Actions to help you swiftly address reported problems. The Remote Actions are detailed on the Managing Certificate page.

Certificate as Resources
Example list of monitored Certificates in a Nodinite Monitor View

Monitoring Features

  • State Evaluation - Provide state evaluation according to pre-defined policy.

    If Nodinite can't check your Certificate items' state, chances are no one else can use them either.

  • Automatic Discovery of Certificates.
  • Category-based monitoring - The monitored Resources groups by the Nodinite concept of Categories.
  • Share access to individual items from within Nodinite using one or more role-based Monitor Views.

State evaluation for Certificates

The Certificates to monitor manifests within Nodinite as one or more Resources. For example, if you have three Certificates, you will have three Resources in Nodinite.

  • The Nodinite Resources name is the same as the deployed Certificate name.
  • Monitored Certificates belong to 'Certificate' Category:

Many other Azure related Categories exists as well, please review the Azure Logging and Monitoring Overview

  • The Application name is created with the following pattern: Configuration name/Resource Group Name

Each item (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) evaluates with a state (i.e. OK, Warning, Error, Unavailable).

You can override the evaluation process by configuring the Expected State option available for all Nodinite Resources.


For Certificate Resources, the state evaluates as described in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available
  • Evaluation of the 'Certificate' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems
Review prerequisites
Error Error threshold is breached Certificate is about to expire, or is expired Edit
Warning Warning threshold is breached Certificate is about to expire, or is expired Edit
OK Within user-defined thresholds Details

Alert history for Certificate

During root cause analysis or other purposes, it might be helpful to understand how often your Certificate problems happen. If your Monitor View allows it, you can search for historical state changes for the provided time-span either for all your Certificate or individually. This topic is further detailed within the generic instructions on how to Add or manage Monitor View page.

Search Resource history

Search for alert history for all resources in the Monitor View

Alert history for the selected Certificate item

Frequently asked questions

Use the troubleshooting guide to find the FAQ and answers to known problems.

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