- 7 minutes to read

SFTP (SSH) Category

Monitor your SFTP Sources and make sure you are not stockpiling messages. In addition to basic authentication, there is support for using passphrase-protected private keys (e.g. .PPKs in OpenSSH format).

Use the Nodinite File and FTP Folder Monitoring Agent to monitor files based on the user-defined criteria on one or more SFTP sites, with or without using a Proxy.

You can fine-tune the files to monitor based on filter settings. These filters can be applied to either include and/or exclude files and folders based on the following user-configurable options:

  • Age (time-span)
    • Warning threshold
    • Error threshold
  • Count
    • Warning threshold
    • Error threshold
  • Size (bytes)
    • Min
    • Max
    • It supports an exclusion range
  • RegEx based filter
  • Include child folders
    • Exclude child folders
    • Exclude child folder by RegEx

Remote Configuration

As a Nodinite Administrator, click on the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent:

Here's an example of the 'Configuration' button, available on the Monitoring Agent Configuration administration page

For Monitor View with the Remote Actions feature enabled, you can manage specific monitoring configurations using the Action button on the specified Resource.


To Manage the SFTP configuration, you must be a member of the Nodinite Administrator Role.

Add SFTP Server

The agent can monitor many SFTP Servers/Folders. Add and remove SFTP servers from the 'SFTP (SSH)' tab.
Here's an example of the SFTP tab.

Click the Add button to add another SFTP Server to monitor; Repeat as needed.

You can set the following common properties for each SFTP configuration:

  • Enabled - Flag to set if monitoring for this configuration is enabled or not.
  • Display Name - The user-friendly name for this FTP configuration. This name is also the Resource name in Monitor Views.
  • Description
  • Application ID - Resources groups by Application name, and then by Category.

General Settings

Additional configuration options are available from within the following tabs:


Basic tab

From within the Basic tab, you can enter the essential information to connect with the SFTP server to monitor:

  • Host - Server Host-name or IP-address
  • Folder - The base path of the Folder to monitor
  • Port - The TCP port to use (channel specific)
  • Filter - Filter file names by the use of a RegEx (match). To match only XML files (.xml) you should use \.xml$ as the value for the RegEx. The filter is case insensitive and ignores multiple white spaces.


    The Windows-style filter *.xml can NOT be used!

  • Time zone - Specify the time zone the SFTP server is located for the correct evaluation of thresholds. The default time zone is from where the monitor agent is installed.
    Basic Tab

RegEx Filter examples:

Filter Example Comment
\.xml$ XML Files All XML files with suffix ".xml"
\.txt$ Text Files All text files with suffix ".txt"
^ONLYME\.data$ Specific file Only this file "ONLYME.data"
^PrefixedFileName.*\.csv$ Matching a file name pattern Files with prefix ^PrefixedFileName, and suffix .csv

Proxy tab

From within the Proxy tab, you can enter the additional information to connect with the SFTP site to monitor using a Proxy service:
Proxy Tab

  • Type - The type of Proxy setting to use, select 'None' (default) to disable the use of a Proxy
    • None - Not in use
    • Socks4
    • Socks5
    • Http
  • Host - The Proxy address (DNS name or IP-address)
  • Port - The TCP Port to use when connecting with the Proxy service
  • User name - User name to authenticate with Proxy service
  • Password - Specify the Password to use for user authentication

Advanced tab

From within the Advanced tab, you can enter the additional information to connect with the SFTP site to monitor:
Advanced Tab

  • Filter on size.
  • Include child folders - When checked, all the folders within subfolders are searched except Exclude child folders and their children.
  • Exclude child folders - A full match like C:\temp\INT001 - Demo\Out to exclude the Out folder and their children if Folder is set to C:\temp\INT001 - Demo.
  • Exclude child folders by RegEx - List of matched child folders to exclude from monitoring if the 'Include child folders' option is checked.
    An example configuration is in detail in the Folders (SMB) user guide.

Filter on size

You can opt to monitor files based on filter settings for the size of files to be monitored.
Filter on size

  • Enabled - Turn on/off monitoring based on size
  • Max size filter - Max size filter in bytes
  • Min size filter - Min size filter in bytes

Range exclusion option: For example; If you wish to exclude the files larger than let's say 1000 bytes AND smaller than 5000 bytes, enter Max=1000 and Min=5000. The Files that are smaller or larger than the user-defined thresholds are then included in the monitoring.

Include child folders

To include files in a subfolder in the monitoring, enable this option. Exclude specific child folders with a configuration entry in the 'Exclude child folders' list..
Include child folders

Exclude child folders

List of child folders to exclude (The include child folders option must be checked).
Exclude child folders

Thresholds tab

From the Thresholds tab, you can enter the following monitoring thresholds:
Thresholds Tab

  • Warning time span The longest allowed time-span before Warning alert is raised should be in the following format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).


    Use the same time as Errors (or higher) to disable the use for warnings.

  • Error time span The longest allowed time span before Error alert is raised should be in the following format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).
  • Enable count evaluation

The different evaluated states are documented in the Overview

Enable count evaluation

Count based monitoring options.

  • Enable count evaluation - When checked, the number of files will be evaluated
  • Warning count - The 'Warning' threshold for the maximum number of allowed files
  • Error count - The 'Error' threshold for the maximum number of allowed files

Enable count evaluation

Scheduling tab

From within the Scheduling tab, you can manage the following schedule-related monitoring properties:
Scheduling tab
>[!TIP] >An example configuration is detailed in the Folders (SMB) user guide

Authentication tab

From the Authentication tab, you can enter the essential information to authenticate the connection with the SFTP site to monitor:
Authentication Tab

  • User name - Authenticate as a user
  • Password - password for the user
  • Use a Private Key - When checked enables the use of a private key
    • Private Key - Enter the Private Key in the OpenSSH format
    • Passphrase - When required; Enter the Passphrase for the specified Private Key; otherwise, leave this field empty


    The Private Key must be in OpenSSH format

Private Key

Use the PuTTy Key Generator to convert and/or generate a key and export it with the OpenSSH key format.

SFTP Authentcation options

The format should look like the following example (PEM encoded PKCS#1):



You must click 'Save' or 'Save and close' for changes to persist. The new settings/thresholds are evaluated on the next synchronization.
Save and Close buttons
Here's an example of the Save options.


The delay in presenting the new evaluated state depends on the synchronization interval set for the monitoring agent. Click the Sync Now button to force an immediate synchronization.

Save and close, saves, and then closes the dialogue. Cancel, closes the dialogue without saving any changes.

Remote Actions

The following Remote Actions exist:
Remote Actions

Resource Name Monitoring Actions Metrics/Statistics
NFS List files


All operations you and other Users perform are logged to the Nodinite Audit Log, ensuring you stay compliant with policies and applicable regulations.

List files

To view the list of files; Select an SFTP folder in the Monitor View, then, click on the List files Remote Action.

List files action


To download a file; Click the Download menu item available as a sub-entry in the Actions button.

Edit thresholds

To manage the monitoring thresholds; click on the Edit menu item available as a sub-entry in the Actions button. Edit thresholds Action

From within the modal, you can alter the monitoring thresholds:
Edit thresholds

Next Step

Install File Folder Monitoring Agent

Folders (SMB)
Folders (NFS)

Monitor Views
Monitoring Agents