- 5 minutes to read

Configuring the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent


This guide teaches how to configure the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent.


Before any monitoring and remote configuration can be performed, you must first install the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent and create a Monitoring Agent Configuration. First-time users start here.

Remote Configuration

As a Nodinite Administrator, click on the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent:

Here's an example of Configuration button available in the Monitoring Agent Configuration administration page

Many specific configurations can also be made directly on the Resource, using the Action button if the Monitor View has the use of Remote Actions feature enabled.

Resources per host will be grouped by Application and then by Category using the value from the Name text field. Read more about Applications here:


Step 1: Configure JMX Monitoring

There is a GUI to remotely configure the agent.

When done, make sure to Save the changes.


In the JMX Tab, you will add the Nodinite Spring Boot Application and the JVM Applications to monitor.

You can add one or more JMX Gateways. Each instance to use is one entry in the list.

Add JMX Gateway
click the Add button to add a JMX Gateway to use.

  • Enabled - When checked, JMX monitoring for this API Gateway is active.
  • Name - The name of this Nodinite JMX API Gateway.
  • Address - The Address to Nodinite JMX API Gateway.
  • Application Hosts - The list of JVM Applications to monitor.

Add Application Host
Click the Add button to add a JVM Application to Monitor.

Basic Tab

In the Basic tab, you will set the essential properties required to monitor the JVM Application.
Basic Tab
Enter essential properties of the JVM Application to monitor.

  • Display Name- The name of this JMX monitoring configuration.
  • Address - The address of the host.
  • Port - JMX Remote Port.

Heap Size Tab

In the Heap Size tab, set the memory Monitoring thresholds.

  • Enabled - Whether HeapSize Threshold should be used.
  • Error Threshold % - The minimum amount of free Heap in percent before an Error alert is raised.
  • Warning Threshold % - The minimum amount of free Heap in percent before a Warning alert is raised.
  • Duration - The time in seconds for the monitoring state before triggering the alert.

Heap Size Tab
Enter memory Monitoring thresholds.


In the CPU tab, set the memory Monitoring thresholds.
Enter CPU Monitoring thresholds.

  • Enabled - When checked, the CPU monitoring is enabled, otherwise it is not.
  • Error Threshold % - When the CPU usage has been over this threshold an Error will be raised.
  • Warning Threshold % - When the CPU usage has been over this threshold a Warning will be raised.
  • Duration - The time in seconds for the monitoring state before triggering the alert.

Settings tab

In the Settings tab, set the environment name and the culture in use to return date time in the specified format.
Settings tab
Set the name of the environment and culture to use from the Settings tab.

Step 2: Add Agent to Nodinite Instance

  1. In the Nodinite Administration, add a new Monitoring Agent Configuration.
  2. Name the configuration
  3. Set the Service URI to: http://localhost:51010/api
  4. Set the X-API-KEY to 71B32996-908E-4690-B63E-E5018FD4A3B4
  5. Save

Enable JMX monitoring in Boomi

If you intend to monitor a Boomi Atom, please follow the steps outlined below:

On each Atom, repeat. properties | Advanced

  • Add JMX Remote Authentication
  • Add and configure JMX Remote Port - 5002
  • JMX Remote SSL

Restart the Atom after applying the changes.

Settings tab

From within the Settings tab, you provide some details that determine the operation behaviour of the IBM MQ Monitoring Agent. ![png_IBM MQServerSettings][]


Part of the standard features shared with all Monitoring Agents is an option to set the name of the target environment, for example, TEST, QA, PROD.


A part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents, there is an option to set the Debug flag for additional file logging that can be enabled/disabled as needed. The Default is unchecked.

Culture Information

The Culture Information setting determines how time-based data from this agent is presented in the Web Client/Web API.

Add JMX Monitoring Agent Configuration

After the successful installation of the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent you must provide Nodinite with connection details so the Monitoring Service knows there's a new guy in town.

No monitoring or other configuration of the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent can be performed before the steps outlined below has been executed.

Configuration Steps

  1. Add and configure a new Monitoring Agent Configuration

    Connection information is available in the README.txt file in the installation folder.

  2. Use the Remote Configuration feature to configure the agent. Detailed at the beginning of this user guide.

  3. Create one or more self-service enabled Monitor Views that include the selected Resources provided by the Nodinite JMX Monitoring Agent according to business needs.

  4. Fine-tune specific settings directly on Resources using Remote Actions.

Frequently asked questions

ExecutionRecordsRateOfApiRequests depends on your Boomi subscription, developers have virtually no limit. A Production environment currently has a very low limit to 1000 / day / connector

Next Step

Add or manage a Monitoring Agent Configuration
Add or manage Monitor View
Install Nodinite Boomi Integrations Monitoring Agent

Monitoring Agents