- 6 minutes to read


Learn how to monitor the utilization of your physical Group and get alerts when the number/percentage free is too low.

This page describes what's being monitored and managed for configured BizTalk Server Group to monitor within Nodinite, using one or more role-based Monitor Views. Nodinite monitors the state, based on user-defined thresholds, either global or specific. For managing the Group, remote commands are available as Actions. These help you swiftly manage reported problems. The implemented Remote Actions are further detailed on this page.

Group items as Resources
Example list with a monitored 'Group' resource in a Monitor View

Monitoring Features

  • Automatic Discovery
    • The Nodinite Windows Server Monitoring Agent makes use of WMI, the ExplorerOM component and performs direct SQL queries for performance, and thereby offering automatic synchronization with your BizTalk Server Group. Sharing insights is very easy from within Nodinite using Monitor Views.
  • State Evaluation - Based on user-defined thresholds
  • Category-based monitoring - To help you sort out the different types of resources, the monitored Resources are grouped by Categories

State evaluation for Groups

The monitored Group is displayed within Nodinite as a Resources. For example, if you have 2 BizTalk Server groups, then you will have 2 'Group' resources in Nodinite

  • The name of the Resources are the same as the names of the BizTalk Server Group as commonly seen in the BizTalk MMC

  • The 'Group' resource belongs to the following Category:

    Category Description
    Group Make sure the BizTalk Server Group is operational

    List of the Group related category as a filter in a Monitor View.

  • The Application name is the %Group Name% [%DatabaseServer\InstanceName%]:
    Application Name Example for a BizTalk Group Resource

Each item (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) and evaluates with a state (i.e. OK, Warning, Error, Unavailable).

From within Nodinite, you can reconfigure the state evaluation on Resource level using the Expected State feature.


Depending on the user-defined synchronization interval set for the Windows Server Monitoring Agent, there might be a delay before Nodinite Web Client/Monitor Views reflects upon the change. Click the Sync All button (or on the dropdown for individual agent selection) to force Nodinite to request a resynchronization request.

Option to force Nodinite to request a resynchronization request with the monitoring agent


For the Group category, the monitored state is evaluated as described in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Service not available If the server can't be reached and evaluated either due to Group or security-related problems Review prerequisites
OK Online The 'Group' card is enabled and media is connected Details

Actions for Group

The following Remote Actions are available for the Group Category:



Click on the Details menu item to open a modal with essential information about the selected BizTalk Server Group.
Details Action Menu Item
The 'Details' Actions menu item

Group Details
The Details for the selected BizTalk Server Group.

On this page, you can learn about the settings for processing large messages in BizTalk Server. Tuning these settings can greatly increase the performance of your BizTalk, but it can also destroy it. Make sure to test the appropriate settings in a lab environment first.

How BizTalk Server Processes Large Messages

Host Instances Audit

Click on the Host Instances Audit menu item to open a modal with information about the latest change for Host Instances.
Host Instances Audit Action Menu Item
The 'Host Instances Audit' Actions menu item

Host Instances Audit
The last Audit for the Host Instances in the selected BizTalk Server Group.

Group Overview

You can view some KPIs about the selected Group resource, click the Action button and then click the Group menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Group Menu Item
Show Group KPIs, using the 'Group' action

Next, click the option to present the modal.
Group Performance Counters
Example modal with KPIs for the selected BizTalk Server Group.


You can use the modal as a Widget in the Nodinite Dashboard.

Widget on Dashboard
Group KPIs as a Widget on the Dashboard

Use a Monitor View with this Group Resource and:

  • Replace 42 with actual Id of the Monitor View
  • Replace 1337 with actual Resource Id
<div ng-controller="widgetResourceMyDetailsController" ng-init="init(42,1337,'BizTalkGroupInformation',{Name:'BizTalk Group', Category:{Name:'Group'}, Application:{Name:''}})">
    <div g-show="chart.error==null" style="height: 375px;overflow-y: auto;overflow-x: hidden;">
        <div compile="html"></div>
    <div ng-show="chart.error!=null">

HTML code to add the 'Group' overview information to the Dashboard.

Instances Overview

You can view accumulated information about all types of instances for the BizTalk Server Group resource, click the Action button and then the Instances menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Instances Menu Action
View information about instances, using the 'Instances' action menu item

Next, click the option to present the modal.
Instances Overview modal
Here's an example of the 'Instances Overview' modal

Widget on Dashboard
Widget with Instance KPIs for the selected group on the Dashboard.

Use a Monitor View with this Group Resource and:

  • Replace 42 with actual Monitor View Id
  • Replace 1337 with actual Resource Id
<div ng-controller="widgetResourceMyDetailsController" ng-init="init(42,1337,'InstanceInformationOverview',{Name:'BizTalk Group', Category:{Name:'Group'}, Application:{Name:''}})">
    <div g-show="chart.error==null" style="height: 375px;overflow-y: auto;overflow-x: hidden;">
        <div compile="html"></div>
    <div ng-show="chart.error!=null">

HTML code to add the 'Instances Overview' information to the Nodinite Dashboard.

Manage Suspended Instances

New 6.0 The end-user can manage suspended instances for all* BizTalk Applications if they are granted access to a Monitor View with the Group Resource. Click the Action button and then the Manage Suspended Instances menu item within the 'Control Center' section.
Manage Suspended Instances Action Menu Item

The modal opens with an empty set; you must select one or more BizTalk Applications and then click the Sync button to load data into the page.
Manage Suspended Instances Modal

A similar feature is available on each Application, please review the Suspended Instances user guide.

Suspended Instances History

New 6.0 The end-user can review the history for suspended instances for all* BizTalk Applications if they are granted access to a Monitor View with the Group Resource. Click the Action button and then the Suspended Instances History menu item within the 'Control Center' section.

Manage Suspended Instances Action Menu Item

The modal opens with an empty set; you must select one or more BizTalk Applications and then click the Sync button to load data into the page.

Manage Suspended Instances Modal

A similar feature is available on each Application, please review the Suspended Instances user guide.

Next Step

Add or manage Monitor View

Windows Server Monitoring Agent
Monitor Views