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Not Resumable - Suspended Instances

Get alerts and manage the not resumable suspended instances in BizTalk (grouped by BizTalk application name)

Not Resumable - suspended instances
Here's an example of the Suspended instance(s) (not resumable) resources as seen in a Monitor View

Application Name=BizTalk Application name, 1 entry for each unique name
Category Name="Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)"
Resource Name="Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)"

  • Remote Actions - Support the execution of Remote Actions
  • State Evaluation - Monitors and evaluates the current numbers


You should always first try to resolve suspended instances working with the resumable ones first. The not resumable instances will be automatically deleted by BizTalk when you successfully terminate or resume the resumable ones. If you have no resumable suspended instances left, the only purpose of the not resumable instances is to provide debug and trace information so you can find the root cause for the actual error. Eventually, you must rid the not resumable instances!


We do not recommend that you apply the Auto Healing feature on resources of this category; You should deal with these problems manually!

What is being evaluated for 'Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)'?

The table below shows the different monitoring states:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'BizTalk Suspended Instances' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Too many Number of rows are above configured threshold Manage suspended instances
Suspended instances history
Terminate all
Edit thresholds
Warning Too many Number of rows are above configured threshold Manage suspended instances
Suspended instances history
Terminate all
Edit thresholds
OK Within thresholds Number of rows are below configured threshold Manage suspended instances
Suspended instances history
Terminate all
Edit thresholds


The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality on every Resource within Nodinite.

What are Remote Actions?

The following Remote Actions are available for the Suspended instance(s) (not resumable) Resource:

Remote Actions

Manage Suspended Instances

When you click on the Manage Suspended Instances menu item in the Actions button, a modal will be loaded with an Overview of the currently Suspended Instances (not resumable):
Manage Suspended Instances Here's an example of a list with an overview of all currently suspended instances (not resumable) for the selected BizTalk Server Application by name

The following features are available from within this modal:

  • Terminate - One by one
  • Terminate - Selected (at least one)
  • View Details - Selected
  • View Context Properties - Selected
  • Reload page

Terminate Suspended Instances

When working with 'Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)' you can view the details and context properties, but eventually, you must manually rid these. Nodinite provides the following options:

  • Terminate all - Remove all with just one click
  • Single instance - Remove selected suspended instance, one at a time
  • Multiple instances - Remove all selected suspended instances with just one click

Use the Nodinite Agent Monitoring Database since you will have a backup with history and some details left if you accidentally remove the wrong set of suspended instances.

Single instance

Removing suspended instances one by one is a tedious but important process. You should dig into the problem before removing the Instances. The actual problem may otherwise roll over to someone else and become much bigger.

Actions menu

In the modal page loaded by using the Manage suspended instances action, you can further click on the Terminate menu item in the Actions button.

Multiple instances

In the modal page loaded by using the Manage suspended instances action, you can check one or more suspended instances and remove them in one sweep by clicking on the With selected button and selecting the Terminate menu item.
With selected menu

At least one suspended instance must be checked otherwise this button is not enabled


Click the small button to the left of the Actions button to expand the selected row with additional information about the suspended instance. The information is divided into two tabs:

  1. Details - General information
  2. Messages
    • Message Context - Context properties

Example with general information about the suspended instance

Message context

The context properties available at the time of the suspend operation are available in the 'Messages' Context tab. The table can be filtered for your convenience and speed to find the information you seek.

Message context
Here's an example of a filtered list of context properties for the suspended instance

Suspended Instances history

If you have configured the Nodinite BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent to use the Monitoring Agent Database the feature 'Suspended Instances history' will be enabled and available.

For the selected BizTalk Server Application you can review the history for 'Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)'. Suspended Instances history (
Example with a list of historical suspended instances


Active 'Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)' entries are not part of the history


The historical suspended instances have limited information (Details and context properties are not preserved)

Terminate all

For the selected BizTalk Server Application you can terminate all active 'Suspended instance(s) (not resumable)'. If you have configured the Nodinite BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent to use the Monitoring Agent Database feature then the active entries will also be added to the Suspended Instances history.

Terminate All

When you click on the Terminate all menu item in the Action button, you will be prompted to confirm operation:
Confirm intent - Terminate All

Edit thresholds

By default, all BizTalk Applications use the global thresholds set in the Configuration. You can manage individual thresholds by clicking on the Edit thresholds menu item in the 'Actions' button. Edit thresholds (

When you click on the Save button; The configuration for the selected BizTalk Server Application name will use specific configuration instead of the global values.

If you see this Warning, it means global values are currently being used for the selected BizTalk Server Application.

Next Step

Statistics for Suspended instances

Suspended instances

Monitor Views
Spool count health check