- 6 minutes to read

Monitoring Dynamics 365

Learn how to monitor and manage failed workflows, processing steps and even save some money on monitoring license utilization

This section describes what's being monitored and the rules for how Nodinite translates this into meaningful monitoring states. Also, many remote commands are available as Actions to help you swiftly manage Dynamics 365 related problems. Actions are further detailed on the Managing Dynamics 365 page.

The agent auto-discovers all your deployed Dynamics 365 artifacts. Simply deploy new workflows and other artifacts and they will automatically be detected and get monitored and listed within your Monitor Views.

Most monitoring options (including thresholds) are managed in the global Configuration

Monitoring Features

  • State Evaluation - Makes sure the Dynamics 365 and deployed artifacts like Workflows and Processing steps have the intended run-time state

    If Nodinite can't check the state of your Dynamics 365 workflows, chances are no one else can use them either

  • Auditing - Helps you get insights about user licensing and audits login activity

  • History - View executions

  • Automatic Discovery

    • Nodinite Microsoft Dynamics 365 agents make use of the Microsoft SDKs and offer you an automatic discovery of your Dynamics 365. Sharing and/or dividing access to any individual Workflow is very easy from within Nodinite.

CRM Resources
Overview of one Dynamics 365 group with some examples of different state evaluations

One artifact (for example one Workflow) will be displayed within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have 42 Workflows, then you will have 42 Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the deployed artifact from within Dynamics 365
  • The Application name is based on the name from any given Dynamics 365 Application:
  • All artifacts of a given type belongs to an appropriate category The various monitoring capabilities for the Dynamics 365 agent are expressed as Resources and are grouped by Categories. The Categories are unique for each [Monitoring Agent][Monitoring Agents].

The Nodinite Dynamics 365 Monitoring Agent also supports the execution of Remote Actions on most resources using the Nodinite Web Client tool or by programmatically calling the Web API.

The following Categories are provided by the Nodinite Dynamics 365 Monitoring Agent:
Example list of Categories as filtered within a Monitor View


Users can be fine-tuned regarding assigned access (through the use of Roles and Monitor Views) to selected Dynamic 365 artifacts on just about any level (everything, by selected applications, by selected categories or even individual artifacts).

State evaluation for Dynamics 365

Depending on settings in the global Configuration there are many different options for the evaluation process.

Category What is evaluated Actions Metrics/Statistics
Business Process Flow
Business Rule
Processing step
Execution time History -
Resources in use Resources in use Details -
User Logon Auditing User Logon Auditing List last 7 days
List last logon date

Execution time

The maximum allowed run-time for monitored categories are evaluated according to the settings in the global Configuration where the main ones are imaged below:
Execution time Options

Application Name=Instance configuration name from the global Configuration
Category Name="Action | Business Process Flow | Business Rule | Processing step | Workflow"
Resource Name="Name of artifact as deployed within Dynamics 365"

The evaluated state is provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available If the resource be evaluated either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Workflow failed One or more executions are failing History
Error Workflow has not completed run within defined time of... Executions are not completing within time defined by the error threshold History
Warning Workflow has not completed run within defined time of Executions are not completing within time defined by the warning threshold History
OK No problems detected Executions are not failing and runs on time History

You can view the History and manage the entries in the list for the executions of selected monitored category.

Resources in use

Click the 'Details' menu item to further manage 'Resources in use'. This topic is further detailed in the Resources in use management user guide.

Resources in use
Example when 'Resources in use' are above warning threshold'

Application Name=Instance configuration name from the global Configuration
Category Name="Audit"
Resource Name="User Access"

The evaluated state is provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available If the resource be evaluated either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Too many active users defined Users have not logged on above configured threshold Details
Warning Too many active users defined Number of users above configured error threshold Details
OK Operative users Users are frequently logging on Details

User Logon Auditing

If you checked the 'Enable monitoring of inactive users' option in the Configuration and you have users who have not logged in to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance within user-defined thresholds the Resource 'User access' will be evaluated accordingly.

Application Name=Instance configuration name from the global Configuration
Category Name="Audit"
Resource Name="User Access"

The evaluated state is provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available If the resource be evaluated either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Inactive users found Users have not logged on above configured threshold List last 7 days
List last logon date
Warning Inactive users found Users have not logged on above configured warning threshold List last 7 days
List last logon date
OK Operative users Users are frequently logging on List last 7 days
List last logon date

This topic is further detailed in the User Audits management user guide.

Alert history for Dynamics 365

During root cause analysis or other purposes, it might be helpful to understand how often your Dynamics 365 instance(s) problems happen. If your Monitor View allows it, you can search for historical state changes for the provided time span, either for all monitored artifacts within Dynamics 365 or individually. This topic is further detailed within the generic instructions on how to Add or manage Monitor View page.

Search Resource history

Search for alert history for all resources in the Monitor View

Alert history for the selected Dynamics 365 artifact

Frequently asked questions

Use the troubleshooting guide to find the FAQ and answers to known problems.

Next step

Managing Dynamics 365