- 3 minutes to read

Manage Non-Events Interval Scheduling

Get better performance and less stress on the system by adding interval schedules to limit the frequency of the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent.

Delegate the power to control all or individual ACK/NAKs Non-Events Monitoring configurations to selected team members and the business. This self-service portal is a flexible and powerful feature that aid in minimizing risk and disruption of mission-critical services.

graph LR subgraph "Log Views in the Monitoring" roLV1(fal:fa-search Acknowledged Orders before 8:00
At least 100 with no more than 2 in each group) roLV2(fal:fa-search Daily exchange rates before 06:00
Verify at least one) roLV3(fal:fa-search Any other Log View) end subgraph "Non-Event Configurations" roNES(fal:fa-calendar-alt Schedules) --> |Run every hour on weekdays| roLV1 roNES --> |Run daily every 15 minutes, active between 02:00 and 06:00| roLV2 roNENS(fal:fa-calendar-circle-exclamation No schedule) --> |fal:fa-redo Runs frequently according to the polling interval
TRY TO AVOID THIS SETUP - Add a schedule! | roLV3 end

Scheduling Tab

To tune non-events Monitoring, you can assign one or more schedules to all Non-Events Categories. If they overlap, the query runs accordingly. A schedule limits the frequency to run with a minimum interval that needs to have lapsed between attempts to run.

Add Schedule

From within the Scheduling tab, you can manage the interval schedules to limit how often the specific Non-Events configuration runs.

Scheduling tab
Here's an example of the Scheduling tab from the Remote Configuration.

Next, click the Add button to add an Interval Schedule.

Add Interval Schedule
Use the Add button to add a new Interval Schedule.

Next, expand the accordion to manage the essential information about this configuration.

Essential information

An interval schedule has the following fields that must be set by the Administrator of the system.

Manage Interval Schedule
Here's an example of an expanded accordion with essential information about the interval schedule.

  • Display Name - Unique display name for the schedule (mandatory)
  • Interval between queries - Enter a TimeSpan to limit how often to perform this monitoring. Format (day.shours:minutes:seconds i.e. 0.00:05:00); run no more often than every five minutes (mandatory).
  • Schedule type - The type of evaluation for this schedule.

Schedule Type

The Administrator of the system can choose between the following types of schedules:

  • Single range - Run the query only between the specified start and end time.
  • Multiple days - Run the query between the specified start and end time on selected days.

Single range

Select the Single range to run the query only between the specified start and end time.

Single range

  • Start day - Select the start day for the interval (Monday -> Sunday)
  • Start time - Time of day. Format (hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 10:10:00)
  • End day - Select the end day for the interval (Monday - Sunday)
  • End time - Time of day. Format (hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 13:37:42)

Multiple days

Select the Multiple days to run the query between the specified start and end time on selected days.

Multiple Days

Check which days to run:

  • Monday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Mondays
  • Tuesday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Tuesdays
  • Wednesday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Wednesdays
  • Thursday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Thursdays
  • Friday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Fridays
  • Saturday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Saturdays
  • Sunday - When checked, Evaluation is performed on Sundays
  • Start time - Time of day. Format (hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 10:10:00)
  • End time - Time of day. Format (hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 13:37:42)


Click the Details Actions menu-item of the Resource of the Non-Events Category to open the statistics modal.
Details Actions menu-item

A modal with information about the current configuration then displays on screen.
Here's an example of the run-time statistics with the current non-Events Monitoring configuration.

  • Make sure the queries run fast (<10 seconds each). Ususully, by adding additional filters on the Log View, or limit the period in time to lookback yields better performance and less stress on the system.
  • If you have a performance issue, reach out to our support, we want to see these statistics and screen shots of the current configurations.

Next Step

Manage Monitoring
Configuration of the agent
