- 5 minutes to read

ACK/NAK Configuration

This guide teaches how to configure the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent to get alerts from Non-Events ACK/NAK Monitoring configurations based on the Logging result from Nodinite Log Views.

There are two different types of configurations for Non-Events Monitoring available:

  • ACK/NAK (this page) - Monitoring based on a correlation using a grouped Nodinite Log View.
  • Non-Events - Monitoring based on the number of rows from a search operation on a Nodinite Log View.

Use a grouped Log View to evaluate that you get the next expected message within the right time. This feature also has the option to make sanity checks helping you detect duplicates and other anomalies regarding the count of messages within the grouped Log View.

This feature is very helpful for all types of order-/orderresponse, invoice/payment, action/reaction type of scenarios.


The ACK/NAK tab holds an array with one or more ACK/NAK configurations.
Empty ACK/NAK tab
Here's an example of the ACK/NAK configuration tab.

  • Click the Add button to add a new ACK/NAK configuration:

    Add new ACK/NAK configuration
    Add an ACK/NAK Monitoring configuration.

    • Then, expand the accordion.
  • Repeat this step as necessary.

Basic Tab

In the Basic tab you provide essential information about the ACK/NAK configuration.

Basic tab - ACK/NAK
Here's an example of an ACK/NAK configuration, there is one accordion per configuration entry.

  • Enabled - When checked, monitoring for this ACK/NAK configuration is enabled.
  • Name - The user-friendly name of this ACK/NAK configuration.
  • Description - Description for this specific ACK/NAK configuration.
  • Log View API URI - Determines which 'Log View' to use. Copy and paste the URI from the 'Copy API URI' dialogue available within the Log View.


    Copy the address from a Log View
    Copy API URL
    *To use the URL with a Non-Events Monitoring configuration, do a search, then click the 'Copy API URL' button within a Nodinite Log View.


The URL is generated by the system, and you may need to tune it according to your actual IIS environment. If the agent is installed on the same server as Nodinite Core Services, then try http://localhost/... instead.

  • Search time span - Determines how far back in time to perform the search. Format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g. 7.12:30:59).


If the grouped Log View has a Time Interval Configuration, it must allow for a detailed time search and perform the actual search NOT using one of the pre-defined time intervals.

Advanced Tab

Here you will find some more additional options to limit the number of groups to evaluate and also the option to warn for delayed records (The main feature here is to alert you for missing events... but you can also opt to get alerts for delayed events).

  • Maximum number of groups to evaluate - The maximum number of groups to evaluate. Higher values may impact performance and may waste valuable resources
  • Warn when delayed records are found - When checked, this ACK/NAK configuration is evaluated as being in state Warning when there are delayed events within the defined search time span

Advanced tab
Limit the number of groups to evaluate and other more advanced options.

Evaluation tab

Use the fields in the Evaluation tab to set the initiating Message Type (ACK), then, repeat as necessary for consecutive messages (NACK).
Evaluation tab

  • Warning time span - The longest time allowed to wait for the Event since the previous Event before raising a warning. Format (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 7.12:30:59)
  • Error time span - The longest time allowed to wait for the Event since the previous Event before raising an error. (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 7.12:30:59)
  • Evaluate the number of events in the group - When checked, the number of events in the group evaluates with the user-defined thresholds
  • Use 'EndpointId' matching - If the 'Request (ACK)' and the 'Response (NAK)' events are of the same 'Message Type' and are transmitted and then received on different ports, you can use this End Point matching feature

Ignore Dates Tab

You can add one or more repeating dates to ignore in the Monitoring.
Ignore dates tab (ACK/NAK)
Here's an example of the Ignore dates tab for ACK/NAKs.

  • Click the Add button to add one (or more) dates to ignore:
    Add ignore date (ACK/NAK)
    Here's an example of the Ignore dates tab for ACK/NAKs.

  • Then, expand the accordion.

  • Repeat this step as necessary.

Example Description
YYYY Replace the current year
MM Replace the current month
DD Replace the current day


It is the starting date of a grouped Log Event that is ignored.

Scheduling Tab

This topic is in details here (shared page between Non-Events and ACK/NAKs).


You can apply an impersonation configuration if the service account running the Non-Events Monitoring Agent does not have access rights to the Log View.

We recommend that you create a Non-Events role of which the service account running the Non-Events Monitoring Agent is a member and add this role to all Log Views to include in the Non-Events Monitoring. If you do this, the impersonation configuration is not needed.

Authentication tab when not checked (ACK/NAK)

  • Use Impersonation - Impersonate the call on the Log View, by default, the account running the Non-Events Monitoring Agent is used.

If you check this checkbox, (*) will be visible in the Authentication tab. This indicates that the Non-Events configuration is using a configuration with impersonation.

Account Configuration (ACK/NAK)
Enter the credentials for the account with access rights to the Log View.

Next Step

Scheduling - Set a period in between to limit the frequency of the calls. This is an important setting you should consider applying on all configurations! Otherwise, you may stress the system to the point where Nodinite becomes unresponsive.
Add or manage a Monitoring Agent Configuration
Add or manage Monitor View

Install Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent
Monitoring Agents