- 4 minutes to read

Configuration of Nodinite Logging Agent - Pickup Service

This guide teaches how to configure the Nodinite Pickup Log Events Service Logging Agent so it can pick up JSON Log Events from any of the supported sources to achieve a true end-to-end Logging.

Configuration file overview

The configuration file (Settings.json), is in JSON format.

The default path is:

C:\Program Files\Nodinite\Logging Agent - Pickup Service\Settings.json


You must restart the Pickup Log Events Service Logging Agent for any changes to take effect.

Regardless of which Source you use as the Intermediate Storage, the following apply to all configurations:

Specific configurations

The following specific configurations exist:


The general section holds some global information that affects mostly the internal behaviour of the Pickup Log Events Service Logging Agent.

Property Description Value Example Comment
Environment The name for the type of environment this agent is running in Test, Prod, QA
Debug A flag that determines the amount of diagnostics information to write true or false (default) In a production environment, this value is ordinarily false
Version The internal version number for the configuration file READ ONLY, this is internal information do NOT change this value manually!!!
CultureInfo format the output of date and so on SV-SE, EN-us Currently not implemented/honoured

Shared configuration

Property Description Value Example Comment
Enabled A flag used to disable or enable logging true or false This feature means that you don't have to remove the configuration to disable the pickup service temporarily
LogAPI The address to the Nodinite Log API https://localhost/Nodinite/Dev/LogAPI/ Change according to your setup
UseConfigurationDatabase A flag used to bypass the LogAPI true or false Use this option only for high throughput solutions. Enabling this feature may increase the overall load on the system
ConfigurationDatabaseConnectionString Connection string to Configuration database Server=localhost;Database=NodiniteConfig_Dev;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=60;TrustServerCertificate=true

Replace Rules


This is a shared section for many of the configuration options above. ReplaceRules is an array, of Rules to update provided Endpoints with a new Name or Uri if they are dynamic with for example id:s

New Features named groups and RegEx without a group which supports additional advanced use cases.

Property Description Value Example
Name The name of this entry to document purpose
ReplaceName A flag to indicate whether to fix the Endpoint Name, or not. This feature is not recommended to be used at the same time as ReplaceUri. true (default) or false
ReplaceUri A flag to indicate whether to fix the Endpoint URI, or not. This feature is not recommended to be used at the same time as ReplaceName. true (default) or false
Pattern A RegEx pattern to match the value to replace. Note: Only the value in the first group is replaced unless you use named groups /([0-9]{4,})$
Group1Value The new value to write instead of the match. Do not enter a value here if you are using named groups {customerId}

ReplaceRules Examples

Value Pattern Group1Value Result
https://www.nodinite.com/int042/getCustomer/12345 /([0-9]{4,})$ {customerId} https://www.nodinite.com/int042/getCustomer/{CustomerId}
INT(101) 101 100 INT100
INT101 New INT101 INT100 INT100
https://www.nodinite.com/api/envelopes/H1ZUP5uDh/documents/rJxZ8P5OP2/files/CDRS1QQ1U7ul_o7n/url?asObject=true#GET https://www.nodinite.com/api/envelopes/(?<envId>\\w+)/documents/(?<docId>\\w+)/files/(?<fileId>\\w+) https://www.nodinite.com/api/envelopes/{envId}/documents/{docId}/files/{fileId}/url?asObject=true#GET

If you do not configure ReplaceRules before deploying your solution, you may end up with an awful lot of Endpoints, contact our support to get help tidying up.

ReplaceRules JSON Examples

Below is a set of different possible configurations:

"ReplaceRules": [
          "Name": "Fix endpoint uri according to RegEx, supports named groups",
          "ReplaceName": false,
          "ReplaceUri": true,
          "Pattern": "https://wwww\\.nodinite\\.com/api/envelopes/(?<envId>\\w+)/documents/(?<docId>\\w+)/files/(?<fileId>\\w+)",
          "Group1Value": ""
          "Name": "Fix Endpoint name according to RegEx, supports named groups",
          "ReplaceName": true,
          "ReplaceUri": false,
          "Pattern": "INT(101)",
          "Group1Value": "100"

Example configuration file

In the Troubleshooting section, there is an example of a fully populated configuration file.

Next Step

JSON Log Event

Install Log Agent - Pickup Service
Log Agents
Logging Service