- 3 minutes to read

Monitoring RabbitMQ

Monitor RabbitMQ with the Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent.

This agent allows you to monitor RabbitMQ-related resources like clusters, nodes, disks, memory and queues. For example, the RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent can evaluate the number of messages on the queue(s). Also, the maximum age of the first message on the queue can be verified if the RabbitMQ Message TimeStamp plugin is installed. An administrator can decide in the configuration which broker/node and related settings for queues to monitor, as well as the number of messages on which Nodinite should warn/fail.

Why queue depth matters

Stockpiling messages is terrible for your business. So we developed this Monitoring Agent to give end-users the power to get alerts and manage content to keep the system healthy.

Monitoring Features

  • State Evaluation - Makes sure the RabbitMQ Services and queues have the intended run-time state
    • Age
    • Count
    • Quota

    If Nodinite can't check the state of your RabbitMQ instances, chances are no one else can either

  • Automatic Discovery
    • Nodinite RabbitMQ monitoring agent makes use of the RabbitMQ APIs and offers you an automatic discovery of your artifacts like queues, disk and memory. Sharing and/or dividing access to manage any individual RabbitMQ artifact is very easy from within Nodinite.

State evaluation for RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ Resources

One artifact (for example one queue) is displayed within Nodinite as one Resource. If you have 42 queues, then you will have 42 queue Resources in Nodinite.

The Nodinite RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent also supports the execution of Remote Actions on most resources using the Nodinite Web Client tool or by programmatically calling the Web API. To execute remote actions some Prerequisites must be satisfied.
The user must be logged on to Nodinite using a Windows Credential. The user must also be assigned a Monitor View with RabbitMQ Resources where Remote Actions are allowed. See Add or manage Monitor View for more details.


Users can be fine-tuned regarding assigned access (through the use of Roles and Monitor Views) to selected RabbitMQ artifacts on just about any level (everything, by selected applications, by selected categories or even individual artifacts)

Table with overview of all monitoring features for RabbitMQ Server

Category What is evaluated Actions Metrics/Statistics
Queue Queues Details
Disk Disk Edit N/A
Memory Memory Edit N/A
Broker Broker Service N/A N/A

Alert history for RabbitMQ Server

During root cause analysis or other purposes, it might be helpful to understand how often your RabbitMQ instances problems happen. If your Monitor View allows it, you can search for historical state changes for the provided time span, either for all your RabbitMQ artifacts or individually. This topic is further detailed within the generic instructions on how to Add or manage Monitor View page.

Search Resource history

Search for alert history for all resources in the Monitor View

Example alert history for the selected RabbitMQ artifact

Frequently asked questions

Use the troubleshooting guide to find the FAQ and answers to known problems.

Next Step

Configuration of the agent

Prerequisites for RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent
Install RabbitMQ Monitoring Agent
Monitor Views