- 5 minutes to read

Monitoring and Managing Windows Server

Learn how to monitor and control the state of Windows Server on selected Windows Servers. Cherry pick Windows Server to monitor, and allow your end-users interact with these using Remote Actions.

This page describes what's being monitored for the Windows Server Category in Nodinite, using one or more role-based Monitor Views. Nodinite monitors the state, based on user-defined thresholds, either global or specific. For managing the Windows Server, remote commands are available as Actions. These help you swiftly manage reported problems. The implemented Remote Actions are further detailed on this page.

Windows Server as Resources
Example with a list of monitored 'Windows Servers' as resources in a Monitor View.

Monitoring Features

  • The Nodinite Windows Server Monitoring Agent makes use of WMI and offers the automatic discovery of your Windows Server. Sharing insights is very easy from within Nodinite using Monitor Views.
  • State Evaluation - Ensure the Windows Server is up and running.
  • Category-based monitoring - To help you sort out the different types of resources, the monitored Resources are grouped by Categories.

State evaluation for Windows Server

Monitor Windows Server as Resources in Nodinite Monitor Views. For example, if you have 2 Windows Server configurations, then you will have 2 'Windows Server' resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources is the same as the name for the Windows Server in Windows in the following format Display Name <Service Name>.

  • The 'Windows Server' resource belongs to the following Category:

Category Description
Windows Server Make sure the Windows Server are up and running

List of the Windows Server category as a filter in a Monitor View.

  • The Application name is the Display Name from the configuration of the monitored Windows Server:

Each item (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) and is evaluated with a state. (OK, Warning, Error, Unavailable).

From within Nodinite, you can reconfigure the state evaluation on Resource level using the Expected State feature.


Depending on the user-defined synchronization interval set for the Windows Server Monitoring Agent, there might be a delay before Nodinite Web Client/Monitor Views reflects upon the change. Click the Sync All button (or on the dropdown for individual agent selection) to force Nodinite to request a resynchronization request.

Synchronize on demand
Option to force Nodinite to request a resynchronization request with the monitoring agent.

Monitoring Windows Server

For the Windows Server category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Service not available
  • If the server can't be reached and evaluated either due to Network or security-related problems
  • Bad configuration (invalid/non existing Windows Server)
Review prerequisites
Error Error state raised The Windows Server should be rebooted according to the user-defined Error threshold Restart
Warning Warning state raised The Windows Server has breached the Uptime Warning threshold
The Windows Server should be rebooted according to the user-defined Warning threshold or has a pending reboot
OK Online The 'Windows Server' is up and running

Actions for Windows Server

The following Remote Actions are available for the Windows Server Category:

Remote Actions
Actions Button example with the available Remote Actions.


You can view some details for the selected Windows Server resource, by simply clicking on the Action button and then clicking on the Details menu item within the 'Control Center' section.

Details Menu Action
Open the details modal by clicking the 'Details' action menu item.

Details modal
Here's an example of the 'Details' modal for the Windows Server.

The following tabs exist with additional information about the Windows Server:


Every disk volume is repeated on this page. Expand the accordion to view information about the selected disk volume.
Disk tab


Information about the Memory installed and used is in the Memory tab.
Memory tab


Every network interface (NIC) is repeated on this page. Expand the accordion to view information about the selected network card. Network tab


Information about the CPU is in the CPU tab.
CPU tab


If the Administrator enabled the restart server feature in the Remote Configuration, the Restart button is visible on the Details page.

You can Restart the Windows Server. Simply click on the Restart button.

Restart Button
Restart the Windows Server, using the 'Restart' action.

You will then be prompted to confirm the intent to proceed with the operation:
Restart intent modal
Here's an example of the 'Restart' prompt.

Next, a modal presents the result of the operation:
Restart Success
Here's an example of a successful request to restart Windows Server operation.

Edit Configuration

You can manage the Windows Server resource, by simply clicking on the Action button and then clicking on the Edit configuration menu item within the 'Control Center' section.

Edit configuration Menu Action
Edit configuration, using the 'Edit' action.

Next, click the option to present the modal.

Edit configuration modal
Here's an example of the 'Edit configuration' modal.

You can edit the following fields:

  • Restart Duration - Duration in seconds until the server reboot actually starts (0-10000)
  • Description - User-friendly description
  • Uptime Warning TimeSpan - Alert with a Warning when the server uptime is more than the specified date time span (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 365.00:00:00)
  • Uptime Error TimeSpan - Alert with an Error when the server uptime is more than the specified date time span (days.hours:minutes:seconds, e.g 1337.00:00:00)

Uptime Alert When it is time to reboot the server according to the thresholds the state is either a Warning, or an Error.


Use the General tab in the Remote Configuration to manage the Windows Server configuration.

Next Step

Add or manage Monitor View

Windows Server Monitoring Agent
Monitor Views